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Jim Baird's Public Statements on Issue: Technology and Communication


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (IN) - District 4

Date Title
03/29/2022 Letter to Tom Vilsack, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture - Reps. Cammack, Costa Lead Letter To USDA Sec. Vilsack Regarding The Rural Utilities Service's (RUS) Rural eConnectivity (ReConnect) Pilot Program
02/01/2022 Lucas Joins Resolution Recognizing the Importance of Rural Broadband
01/26/2022 Rep. Baird Leads Resolution Recognizing the Importance of Rural Broadband
10/07/2021 Letter to Hon. Thomas J. Vilsak, Secretary of Agriculture, and Hon. Janet Woodcock, M.D., Acting Commissioner of the FDA - Baird, Plaskett Lead Letter to Administration Urging Progress on USDA Regulatory Clarity for Animal Biotechnology
07/21/2021 Science Committee Member Rep. Wild Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Create Regional Innovation Hubs
06/29/2021 Letter to the Hon. Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Bost Urges Biden to Hold China and Russia Accountable for Cyberattacks Against U.S. Food System
04/27/2021 Letter to Hon. Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies, and Hon. Jeff Fortenberry, Ranking Member of Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies - Congressman Greg Pence Leads Bipartisan Letter in Support of Expanding Virtual Learning and Telemedicine Capabilities
04/22/2021 Representatives Houlahan, Baird and Senators Rosen, Hyde-Smith, Kelly Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral STEM RESTART Act to Support Workers Re-Entering or Transitioning to STEM Jobs
04/13/2021 Spartz Leads Efforts to Improve High Speed Internet Access
04/12/2021 Letter to the Hon. Jessica Rosenworcel, Acting Chairwoman of the Federal Communications Comision - Congressman Pence Leads Bipartisan Letter to Federal Communications Commission in Support of Telehealth-Dependent Rural Communities
02/12/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Congressman Lucas, Rural Broadband Caucus Lead Letter Urging President Biden to Prioritize Rural Broadband in Upcoming Infrastructure Package
02/09/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Joyce Urges Biden to Include Rural Broadband in His Infrastructure Proposal
01/28/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - ICYMI: Lucas and Stefanik Send Letter to President Biden Urging Prioritization of Emerging Technologies
07/27/2020 Hearing of the Investigations & Oversight and Research & Technology Subcommittees of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Baird, Hearing on Technology to Counter Human Trafficking
05/22/2020 Letter to Hon. Christopher Krebs, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Director and Hon. Christopher Wray, Federal Bureau of Investigation Director - Lucas Leads Science Committee Members Requesting FBI & CISA Briefing on Chinese Hacking of U.S. COVID-19 Research
04/24/2020 Letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader , Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, and Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - Spanberger, Davis, Plaskett Lead Bipartisan Call for Congress to Make "Historic Investment" in High-Speed Broadband Internet Infrastructure in Upcoming COVID-19 Response Packages
12/09/2019 Baird STEM Education Bill Passes House and Heads to Presidents' Desk to Become Law
10/16/2019 Letter to Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, Hon. Mike R. Pence, Vice President of the United States - Young Leads Indiana Delegation on Letter Defending Indiana Salmon, Hoosier Jobs
09/24/2019 Hearing of the R&T Subcommittee of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Baird, Hearing on AI & the Future of Work
06/26/2019 Hearing of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Jim Baird at Hearing on Ethical Implications of AI
06/25/2019 Hearing of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Jim Baird at Hearing on Election Security: Voting Technology Vulnerabilities
06/20/2019 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2020
03/15/2019 Congressman Baird Introduces Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act