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Amy Klobuchar's Public Statements on Issue: Trade


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic/Farmer/Labor for U.S. Senate (MN) - Sr

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Date Title
09/11/2023 Klobuchar Statement on the Announcement of Lower Turkey Tariffs in India
07/21/2022 Letter to Hon. Lina M. Khan, Chair of the FTC - Klobuchar Urges Federal Trade Commission to Investigate Amazon's Proposed Acquisition of One Medical
06/16/2022 Tweet - ". @POTUS will soon sign my bipartisan legislation with @RepJohnThune, @RepGaramendi , and @RepDustyJohnson into law! This bill will strengthen our supply chain and make sure American exporters have a level playing field so they can get their goods to market for a fair price."
06/16/2022 Klobuchar, Thune, Garamendi, Johnson Major Bipartisan Legislation to Ease Shipping Backlogs Signed Into Law
06/13/2022 Tweet - "NEWS: My bipartisan bill with @SenJohnThune , @RepGaramendi , and @RepDustyJohnson to strengthen our supply chain just passed the House! This is a major step forward as we work to help American manufacturers, farmers, and consumers. Next stop? @POTUS 's desk to be signed into law."
06/06/2022 Tweet - "Congestion at ports and increased shipping costs pose unique challenges for U.S. exporters. So what can we do about it? Enact my bipartisan bill with @SenJohnThune to strengthen our supply chain and level the playing field for American manufacturers, farmers, and consumers."
05/24/2022 In International Trade Commission Testimony, Klobuchar Emphasizes Need to Protect Domestic Steel, Support Iron Range Miners
05/04/2022 ICYMI - VIDEO: At Commerce Committee Hearing, Secretary Buttigieg Expresses Support for Swift Enactment of Klobuchar Bipartisan Legislation to Fix Supply Chains
04/29/2022 ICYMI -- VIDEO: At Commerce Committee Hearing, Klobuchar Highlights Critical Role of Coast Guard Cutters and Icebreakers in Duluth
04/25/2022 Tweet - "Each year, 35 million tons of cargo and more than 600,000 vessels pass through the Port of Duluth, supporting more than 8,000 jobs. After significant upgrades thanks to federal funding, the Cutter SPAR helps make all this possible."
04/07/2022 Klobuchar, Blumenthal, Hirono, Cortez Masto Introduce Legislation to Prohibit Price Gouging During Crises
04/03/2022 Tweet - "Thank you for your kind words @SenJohnThune . Our shipping bill to level the playing field for American exporters is a truly bipartisan solution to a problem that's impacting millions across the country--and a great example of what's possible when we work together."
04/01/2022 Tweet - "NEWS: My bill with @SenJohnThune to ease shipping backlogs has PASSED the Senate. As I said on the Senate floor, we can't let ocean carriers slow down our supply chain while shaking down American businesses and farmers for their own profit."
03/31/2022 Klobuchar, Thune Bipartisan Legislation to Help Fix Supply Chain and Ease Shipping Backlogs Passes Senate
03/24/2022 Tweet - "Yesterday on the Senate floor I called on my colleagues to pass my bipartisan legislation with @SenJohnThune to ease shipping backlogs. It's time to get this done for American businesses."
03/22/2022 Bipartisan Legislation Led by Klobuchar, Thune to Boost Exports and Ease Shipping Backlogs Passes Commerce Committee
03/22/2022 Tweet - "NEW: My bipartisan legislation with @SenJohnThune to boost exports and ease shipping backlogs has passed the Commerce Committee! This bill will help level the playing field for American exporters so they can ship their products quickly and for a fair price."
03/16/2022 Tweet - "In the last 2 years, agricultural exporters lost at least 22% of foreign sales, yet ocean carriers posted record profits. @SenJohnThune & I introduced the bipartisan Ocean Shipping Reform Act because it's time to stop hoping carriers decide to play fair."
03/15/2022 Letter to Hon. Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - U.S. Potato Export Agreement Must Be Honored, Expedited Write Bipartisan Leaders
03/08/2022 Tweet - "As I said at last week's hearing on my bipartisan legislation with @SenJohnThune to boost U.S. exports, we can't let ocean carriers slow down our supply chain while they're shaking down our exporters for their own profit. Watch more:"
03/03/2022 VIDEO - Klobuchar Leads Commerce Committee Hearing on Her Bipartisan Shipping Reform Legislation to Boost U.S. Exports, Address Supply Chain Disruptions
03/01/2022 Support Builds for Bipartisan Legislation from Klobuchar, Thune to Boost U.S. Exports, Address Supply Chain Disruptions
02/16/2022 Tweet - "Consumers shouldn't have to bear the brunt of price hikes caused by inflated shipping costs. So, how are we going to tackle this issue? By passing my bipartisan bill with @SenJohnThune. Here's what I told business leaders about it at a roundtable this week:"
02/15/2022 Klobuchar Holds Business Roundtable Highlighting New Bipartisan Legislation to Address Supply Chain Disruptions, Help Minnesota Exporters
02/14/2022 Tweet - "When shippers are delayed, businesses suffer and costs for consumers go up. That's why @SenJohnThune and I introduced bipartisan legislation to help American exporters get their goods to market in a timely manner for a fair price."

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