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Amy Klobuchar's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic/Farmer/Labor for U.S. Senate (MN) - Sr

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Date Title
03/05/2024 Klobuchar, Grassley, Buck, Neguse, and Nadler Call For Restoration of Antitrust Division Funding
03/05/2024 Klobuchar, Colleagues Call For Restoration of Antitrust Division Funding
01/30/2024 Senators push federal commission to help defend voters from artificial intelligence disinformation
11/14/2023 Klobuchar Statement on Rules Committee Passage of Resolution to Allow Military Promotions to Move Forward
11/06/2023 Chairwoman Klobuchar Announces Rules Committee Markup on Resolution to Allow Military Confirmations to Move Forward
08/03/2023 Klobuchar, Hyde-Smith Announce the Veterinary Medicine Caucus
05/11/2023 Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees: Sen. Klobuchar On Trump's Jan. 6 Comments During Town Hall
05/10/2023 Steil, Morelle, Klobuchar, Fischer Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Allow Congress to Appoint and Remove the Architect of the Capitol
05/10/2023 Klobuchar, Fischer, Steil, Morelle Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Allow Congress to Appoint and Remove the Architect of the Capitol
02/14/2023 Klobuchar Welcomes Cramer as New Co-Chair of Bipartisan Congressional Coalition on Adoption
12/13/2022 Klobuchar, Smith, Grassley Statements on Passage of Bipartisan Legislation to Rename Federal Building in Minneapolis After Senator Paul Wellstone
12/13/2022 Klobuchar Statement on Signing into Law of Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Marriage Equality
12/08/2022 Klobuchar Statement on Senate Passage of Legislation to Honor Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall
11/21/2022 Tweet - "We're getting ready for the 2023 Farm Bill in the Senate Agriculture Committee! I discussed the importance of investing in biofuels and broadband expansion with @usdaRD Under Secretary Xochitl Torres Small during the first of many hearings on the upcoming bill. Watch here:"
11/18/2022 Tweet - "It's never too late to recognize the bravest among us. When the family of WWI veteran Private Shepherd reached out to my office for assistance in securing the Purple Heart he had earned but never received, it was our honor to help."
08/13/2022 Tweet - "It's hard to put into words what a big deal the Inflation Reduction Act is. From bringing down the cost of prescription drugs to tackling the climate crisis to reducing the deficit, this bill will do it all. Next stop, @POTUS 's desk for a signature."
08/08/2022 At Press Conference in Minneapolis, Klobuchar, Health Care Advocates Highlight Passage of Historic Legislation to Lower Prescription Drug Costs
08/07/2022 Klobuchar Statement on Senate Passage of Inflation Reduction Act
08/07/2022 Tweet - "VICTORY: The Inflation Reduction Act has passed the Senate! This is a historic day in the fight to bring down the cost of prescription drugs and tackle climate change. Next it goes to the House and then to the president's desk for his signature!"
08/01/2022 Tweet - "Bringing down costs for consumers. Tackling the climate crisis. Reducing emissions 40% by 2030. Decreasing the deficit. The Inflation Reduction Act will do all this and more."
07/27/2022 Chairwoman Klobuchar, Ranking Member Blunt Announce Rules Committee Hearing on the Need to Reform the Electoral Count Act
10/26/2021 MSNBC "The Rachel Maddow Show" - Transcript: Interview with Sen. Amy Klobuchar
10/06/2021 VIDEO: Klobuchar Introduces Jonathan Kanter at Judiciary Committee Nomination Hearing for Top Antitrust Post at DOJ
09/29/2021 Cornyn, Klobuchar Introduce Bill to Extend COVID Grant Deadline for Independent Entertainment Venues
09/15/2021 MSNBC "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell" - Transcript: Interview with Amy Klobuchar

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