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Chris Van Hollen, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Religion

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Date Title
07/02/2021 Letter to the Hon. Christopher Coons, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs, and the Hon. Lindsey Graham, Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs - Rosen Leads Colleagues in Bipartisan Call to Increase Funding for the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism
09/09/2020 Letter to the Hon. Michael Pompeo, Secretary of State - Lankford, Colleagues Pen Letter to Secretary Pompeo on USCIRF Recommendations
07/22/2020 Van Hollen Statement on House Passage of No Ban Act
02/19/2020 Letter to the Hon. Eugene Scalia, Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Labor - Van Hollen, Murray, Democrats Push Departments of Education and Labor to Withdraw Rules Allowing for Federally Sanctioned Discrimination
02/19/2020 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of the U.S. Education Department - Van Hollen, Murray, Democrats Push Departments of Education and Labor to Withdraw Rules Allowing for Federally Sanctioned Discrimination
02/12/2020 Letter to the Hon. Michael Pompeo, Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of State - Van Hollen, Young, Durbin, & Graham Request State Department Assessment of Situation in Kashmir and of Religious Minorities in India
04/15/2019 Letter to Chairman Capito and Ranking Member Tester - Senators Heinrich, Mc Sally, and Colleagues Request $75 Million for Safeguarding Faith-Based Communities
03/13/2019 Letter to the Hon. Alex M. Azar, HHS - Revoke Waiver Allowing South Carolina Child Welfare Agencies to Discriminate
10/06/2018 Senator Lankford Joins Bipartisan Group of Senators to Denounce China's Human Rights Abuses
05/03/2018 Letter to Maithripala Sirisena, President of Sri Lanka - Van Hollen Expresses Concern Over Sri Lankan Tensions
10/20/2017 Letter to the Hon. Nikki Haley, United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations - Young, Merkley Lead Bipartisan Letter Calling for Action on Burma Crisis
04/03/2017 Letter to President Donald J. Trump - Presidential Task Force to Combat Hate Crimes
03/07/2017 Letter to John Kelly, Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeff Sessions, Attorney General of the United States, James Comey, FBI Director - Address Threats to Jewish Institutions Across the Country
03/01/2017 Letter to the Hon. Rod J Rosenstein and Gordon B. Johnson - Regarding Hate Crimes in Maryland Following Local and National Anti-Semitic Threats and Incidents
02/28/2017 Van Hollen Condemns Recent Anti-Semitic and Hateful Incidents
02/09/2017 Letter to the Hon. Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State, the Hon. John Kelly, Secretary of Homeland Security, the Hon. James Mattis, Secretary of Defense, the Hon. Wade Warren, Acting Adminstrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development - Deep Concerns about Reports that the Trump Administration Plans to Restructure U.S. Government Efforts to Counter Violent Extremism
02/03/2016 Van Hollen Statement on President's Visit to Mosque in Maryland
09/24/2015 Van Hollen Statement on Pope Francis's Address to Congress
09/19/2015 Van Hollen Statement on the Pope's Visit to Cuba
08/12/2015 Letter to His Holiness, Pope Francis - Address to Congress
06/18/2015 Garamendi Statement on Pope Francis Climate Change Encyclical
05/20/2015 Van Hollen Celebrates Jewish American Heritage Month
09/19/2014 Regarding H. Res. 707
01/28/2014 Hoyer, Pelosi, Slaughter & DeGette, Along with 87 Members of Congress File Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Contraceptive Coverage Requirement Challenge
05/21/2013 Letter to John Kerry, Secretary of State - Kidnapping of Boulos Yazigi and Yohanna Ibrahim

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