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Joe Biden, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Immigration


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for President

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Date Title
05/23/2024 Statement from President Joe Biden on Senate Vote on the Bipartisan Border Security Agreement
02/06/2024 Remarks by President Biden Urging Congress to Pass the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act
02/05/2024 Remarks by President Biden in Press Gaggle | Las Vegas, NV
02/04/2024 Statement from President Joe Biden on Bipartisan Senate National Security Agreement
09/22/2023 Remarks by President Biden at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute 46th Annual Gala
08/29/2023 White House briefing as Biden meets with Costa Rican President Chaves
06/26/2023 Statement from President Biden on International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
02/24/2023 Memorandum on Unexpected Urgent Refugee and Migration Needs
01/08/2023 Tweet - "Today, I'm traveling to El Paso to visit the border and meet with local leaders. Our border communities represent the best of our nation's generosity and we're going to get them more support while expanding legal pathways for orderly immigration and limiting illegal immigration."
01/07/2023 Tweet - "People come to America legally to seek new opportunity, flee oppression, or chase their American dream. That's the story of so many of families. And it's why we need to expand legal pathways for orderly immigration. We can do this all while limiting illegal immigration."
01/05/2023 Remarks by President Biden on Border Security and Enforcement
01/05/2023 Tweet - "Our problems at the border didn't arise overnight. And they won't be solved overnight. Extreme Republican elected officials like to run on immigration -- now, they have a choice. They can keep using it to score political points, or we can come together to fix this broken system."
10/06/2022 Tweet - "Yesterday's Fifth Circuit decision that DACA is unlawful is the result of efforts by MAGA Republican officials to strip people of their protections. I'm committed to defending Dreamers. It's time that Congress pass permanent protections, including a pathway to citizenship."
10/05/2022 Statement by President Joe Biden on Protecting Dreamers
08/24/2022 Statement by President Joe Biden on Strengthening Protections for Dreamers
06/28/2022 Statement by President Biden on the Tragic Loss of Life in San Antonio, Texas
06/20/2022 Statement by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. on World Refugee Day 2022
06/15/2022 Tweet - "Ten years ago today, I stood by President Obama as we carried out one of our proudest accomplishments. On this 10th DACA Anniversary, we celebrate the transformational impact it's had on hundreds of thousands of young people. It's time for Congress to make this permanent now."
04/21/2022 Tweet - "We've already welcomed tens of thousands of Ukrainians to the United States. And today, I'm announcing "Uniting for Ukraine," a new program to enable Ukrainians seeking refuge to come directly from Europe to the United States."
09/17/2021 Tweet - "Immigrants come to America from different circumstances, but every generation has made us stronger. This Citizenship Day serves as a reminder that it's up to us to ensure we remain a country worthy of the dreams and aspirations of immigrants from around the world."
09/14/2021 A Proclamation on National Hispanic Heritage Month, 2021
09/08/2021 Remarks by President Biden in Honor of Labor Unions
09/07/2021 Remarks by President Biden Before Marine One Departure
08/23/2021 Tweet - "Once screened and cleared, we will welcome Afghans who helped us in the war effort to their new home in the United States of America. Because that's who we are. That's what America is."
08/22/2021 Tweet - "Once screened and cleared, we will welcome these Afghans to their new home in the United States with open arms. We are a nation that has been strengthened by generations of immigrants adding their unique talents to our American tapestry. That's who we are."

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