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John Barrasso's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (WY) - Sr

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Date Title
05/22/2024 -9999
05/22/2024 Unanimous Consent Request--S. 4392
05/21/2024 40th Anniversary of the Wyoming Wild Sheep Foundation
05/20/2024 -9999
05/20/2024 -9999
04/18/2024 Prohibiting the Use of Funds to Implement, Administer, or Enforce Certain Rules of the Environmental Protection Agency
04/18/2024 Barrasso, Lummis Join Fight Against Radical SEC Climate Disclosure Rule
04/17/2024 Barrasso: Democrats Refused to Do Our Constitutional Duty
04/16/2024 Barrasso Fights Back Against Supercharged IRS
04/16/2024 Barrasso, Republican Colleagues Warn Biden Not to Renew Oil Sanctions Relief for Venezuela
04/12/2024 Barrasso, Lummis Demand Democrats Hold Mayorkas Accountable for Border Crisis
04/11/2024 Barrasso, Lummis Vote to Overturn Biden’s Illegal Emissions Mandate on State DOTs
04/10/2024 -9999
04/10/2024 Barrasso: Mayorkas Must Be Held Accountable With Full Impeachment Trial
03/22/2024 Barrasso: Biden’s EV Mandate is Left-Wing Lunacy
03/21/2024 Barrasso to Sec. Yellen: Biden Admin is Weaponizing the Tax Code Against American Energy Producers
03/21/2024 Barrasso, Senate Republicans Call Out Biden’s Outrageous Tax Hike on American Energy Producers
03/21/2024 -9999
03/20/2024 Barrasso Statement on EPA’s Electric Vehicles Mandate
03/18/2024 Barrasso Leads Letter to Stop Washington Mandates on National Apprenticeship System
03/15/2024 Barrasso: The Dismissals, Denials, and Distortions of Biden’s SOTU Address
03/14/2024 Barrasso: America Must Respect Israel’s Right as a Democracy to Choose Its Own Destiny
03/14/2024 Barrasso to Biden’s HHS Secretary: Why Should American Taxpayers Pay Health Care Bills for Illegal Immigrants?
03/14/2024 -9999
03/13/2024 Barrasso, Lummis Join Republican Senators in Introducing the Laken Riley Act

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