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Katherine Clark's Public Statements on Issue: National Security


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MA) - District 5

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Date Title
04/17/2024 "We are here in a make-or-break moment for Ukraine"
04/15/2024 Whip Clark Statement Demanding House Republicans Bring Vote on the Bipartisan National Security Supplemental
03/22/2024 Whip Clark Statement on Passage of Government Funding Legislation
03/07/2024 Whip Clark Statement on President Biden’s State of the Union Address
02/06/2024 Whip Clark: "That's What This Sham Is About: Choosing Extremism Over Country."
01/10/2024 Whip Clark: "This Discharge Petition Has the Power To Save Lives"
12/12/2023 Whip Clark Statement on Zelenskyy Meeting: "The Clock is Ticking"
12/10/2023 Whip Clark: "What I'm Seeing in the House Is a MAGA Majority That Is Not Interested in Solutions."
09/21/2023 Senators Warren, Markey, Representatives Clark, Trahan, Moulton Call for Updates on Progress of MIT Lincoln Laboratory's West Lab Project
08/30/2023 Whip Clark Statement Following Tour of Maui Wildfire Aftermath
06/30/2021 Assistant Speaker Clark on the Passage of the Select Committee Resolution
04/02/2021 Assistant Speaker Clark Secures Over $20 Million in Funding for Revere Schools in the American Rescue Plan
02/05/2021 Letter to the Hon. Monty Wilkinson, Acting Attorney General, Department of Justice - Rep. Watson Coleman Leads Letter to Acting Attorney General Calling for Consistency in Prosecution of January 6th Insurrectionists
01/13/2021 Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors
08/14/2020 Letter to the Hon. Shannon Christian, Dir. of the Office of Child Cares for the Admin. for Children and Families, and Dr. Robert Redfield, Dir. of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Hirono, Coons, Murray, Colleagues Call on HHS, CDC to Provide Comprehensive Guidance for Child Care Providers Dealing with COVID-19
07/31/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Bipartisan Group of 103 Lawmakers Urges House Leadership to Prioritize Affordable Housing in Next COVID-19 Bill
05/04/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mike Pompeo, United States Secretary of State - Fitzpatrick Joins Overwhelming Bipartisan Majority of House Members Calls On Administration To Extend Iran Arms Embargo
04/28/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader, the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, and the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - DeLauro, Cohen Lead Colleagues in Call to Repeal $170 Billion Tax Break for Real Estate Developers, Hedge Fund Owners in CARES Act
04/23/2020 Providing for Adoption of H. Res. Establishing A Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis
04/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Stanton Urges Federal Government to Ease Financial Burden of COVID Response for States, Cities and Tribes
04/17/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Hurd Advocates for COVID-19 Funding for Children's Hospitals
04/13/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader, the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, and the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - Rep. TJ Cox Leads Bipartisan Effort to Make State and Local Governments Eligible for Emergency Paid Leave Payroll Tax Credits
04/09/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - 91 Bipartisan Members Call for Increased Funding for Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs Impacted by the COVID-19 Outbreak
04/06/2020 Letter to the Hon. Peter Gaynor, Admin. of the Federal Emergency Management Agency - Mass. Delegation Urges FEMA to Immediately Release Enough Ventilators from the Strategic National Stockpile to Massachusetts as Hospitals Prepare for Surge
04/06/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, and the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - Kennedy to Senate: Act now to protect Mashpee Wampanoag tribe

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