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Katherine Clark's Public Statements on Issue: Religion


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MA) - District 5

Date Title
12/13/2023 Whip Clark Statement on Voting Against the Hypocritical Stefanik Resolution
01/20/2022 Massachusetts Delegation Stands with Jewish Community
12/15/2021 Tweet - "The frightening rise of Islamophobia can be seen around the world -- and in the halls of Congress. If we are sincere in our fight for equality, religious freedom & human rights, we must recognize Islamophobia & do all we can to eradicate it. Proud to vote for this legislation"
12/15/2021 Assistant Speak Clark Votes to Combat Global Islamophobia
06/01/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Meng Helps Lead Bipartisan Letter Asking Biden To Respond To Rising Antisemitism
06/27/2019 Congressmembers Clark, Pappas, Davids Introduce Bill to Expose Higher Education Institutions that Discriminate Against LGBTQ Students
02/11/2019 Democratic Leadership Statement on Anti-Semitic Comments of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar
06/26/2018 Congresswoman Katherine Clark's Statement on Supreme Court Upholding Muslim Ban
04/27/2018 Letter to the Hon. Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House of Representatives - Request Information on His Decision to Remove House Chaplain
01/11/2016 Clark to Bring Chair of Muslim Voter Registration Project to State of the Union
10/09/2015 Letter to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General and Vanita Gupta, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney - Rights of Worshippers
08/12/2015 Letter to His Holiness, Pope Francis - Address to Congress
06/18/2015 Garamendi Statement on Pope Francis Climate Change Encyclical
01/28/2014 Hoyer, Pelosi, Slaughter & DeGette, Along with 87 Members of Congress File Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Contraceptive Coverage Requirement Challenge