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Tammy Baldwin's Public Statements on Issue: Minors and Children


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (WI) - Jr

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Date Title
01/31/2024 Baldwin, Bipartisan Group Work to Hold E-Cigarette Companies Accountable for the Youth Vaping Crisis
10/25/2023 Baldwin Statement on Emergency Funding to Address Child Care Crisis, Curb Opioid and Fentanyl Epidemic
10/25/2023 Baldwin Statement on Emergency Funding to Address Child Care Crisis, Curb Opioid and Fentanyl Epidemic
10/25/2023 Baldwin Statement on Emergency Funding to Address Child Care Crisis, Curb Opioid and Fentanyl Epidemic
10/25/2023 Baldwin Statement on Emergency Funding to Address Child Care Crisis, Curb Opioid and Fentanyl Epidemic
10/13/2023 Senator Baldwin Highlights Expanding Access to Child Care in Platteville, Stands with Workers in Fenimore
10/13/2023 Senator Baldwin Highlights Expanding Access to Child Care in Platteville, Stands with Workers in Fenimore
10/13/2023 Senator Baldwin Highlights Expanding Access to Child Care in Platteville, Stands with Workers in Fenimore
10/13/2023 Senator Baldwin Highlights Expanding Access to Child Care in Platteville, Stands with Workers in Fenimore
09/13/2023 NEWS: Murray, Sanders, Clark, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Extend Vital Child Care Funding and Save Millions of Families' Child Care Spots as Funding Cliff Looms
06/01/2023 Baldwin Joins Senators in Effort to Hold Companies Accountable for Contracting with Packers Sanitation Services, Inc. Which Unlawfully Employed Migrant Child Labor
05/04/2023 Baldwin Joins Colleagues in Introducing Comprehensive Legislation to Protect Kids Online
05/01/2023 Baldwin Joins Colleagues in Introducing Legislation to Combat the Child Care Crisis, Support Working Families
06/29/2022 Tweet - "I worked to pass the #KeepKidsFedAct in the Senate and @POTUS has signed our bipartisan legislation into law to provide school meals to Wisconsin kids."
05/20/2022 Letter to Robert M. Califf, MD, Commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration - Senator Baldwin, Democratic Colleagues To FDA Commissioner: Remove All Unauthorized E-Cigarettes From Market Immediately
05/18/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - King Calls for National Strategy, Director to Address Baby Formula Shortage
05/16/2022 Tweet - "I have joined 29 of my Senate colleagues in calling on infant formula manufacturers to make every effort possible to get parents and families the formula they need to feed their kids."
05/13/2022 Letter to Mardi Mountford, President of the Infant Nutrition Council of America - Warner, Kaine, Colleagues Push Infant Formula Manufacturers to Address Shortages and Get Formula on Shelves
04/18/2022 Letter to Xavier Becerraa, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Kaine Calls on Administration to Expand Access to Affordable Child Care
04/06/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Senator Murray, Majority of Senate Democrats Urge Action to Address Child Care Crisis Through Reconciliation
04/04/2022 Tweet - "Our bipartisan legislation- the Support Kids Not Red Tape Act- will extend flexibilities that have been a lifeline for schools and families throughout the pandemic. Please contact your Senators and tell them you support passing this legislation to ensure we #KeepKidsFed!"
04/01/2022 Tweet - "We cannot allow millions of children to lose access to school meals, and we must extend flexibilities to the @USDA to make sure no child goes hungry. That's why I joined the introduction of the bipartisan Support Kids Not Red Tape Act. #KeepKidsFed"
03/31/2022 Senator Baldwin Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Extend School and Summer Meal Flexibilities to Feed Children
03/24/2022 Letter to Honorable Anthony J. Blinken, Secretary - Congressman Aderholt Joins Congressional Coalition on Adoption Co-chairs in Letter to Secretary of State Blinken
03/15/2022 Tweet - "We should make the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes so we can lower child care costs for working families, expand access to high-quality universal preschool, and deliver more support for providers and increase wages child care workers."

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