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Trent Franks' Public Statements on Issue: Housing and Property

On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (AZ) - District 8

Date Title
08/01/2017 Letter to the Hon. Rob Bishop, Chairman for the Committee on Natural Resources, the Hon. Raul Grijalva, Ranking Member, the Hon. Mike Conaway, Chairman, and the Hon. Collin Peterson, Ranking Member - Protect Farmers and Ranchers from Crushing Regulatory Burdens
06/19/2017 Letter to HUD Secretary Ben Carson - Reform Policies that Harm Homeless Sheters
05/19/2016 Rep. Issa, Colleagues Introduce Bill To Rein In Civil Forfeiture Abuse
03/22/2016 Letter to Chairman Ken Calvert and Ranking Member Betty McCollum of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies - Fully Fund the Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Program
07/07/2015 Constitution and Civil Justice Subcommittee to Hold Hearing Exploring Property Rights
05/20/2015 Letter to Richard Cordray, Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - TRID Regulation
10/31/2014 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Declaring Major Disaster for Arizona Due to Severe Flooding in September
08/10/2011 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Standard & Poor's Downgrade
02/24/2010 Franks: Administration Must Not Bypass Congress To Seize Control Of State Lands
07/21/2009 Where are the Jobs
06/01/2009 Franks: More Failed Policies Won't Lift Housing Market
03/05/2009 Franks Statement on H.R. 1106, "Homes Act"
09/29/2008 Franks Statement on Paulson Plan and the Financial Sector Bailou
08/19/2008 Statement on Grand Canyon Flooding and Ongoing Rescue Efforts in Supai Canyon
07/24/2008 Votes Against Democrat Housing Bill That Would Bail Out Scam Artists and Speculators at Taxpayer Expense