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Bernie Sanders' Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (VT) - Sr

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Date Title
05/21/2024 International Criminal Court
05/20/2024 NEWS: Sanders Statement on ICC Seeking Arrest Warrants for Israeli and Hamas Leaders
05/01/2024 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Letter From Birmingham Jail
04/23/2024 National Security Act, 2024
04/16/2024 Israel
03/20/2024 Israel
03/10/2024 Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VA) on "Face the Nation" | Mar. 03
03/07/2024 Sen. Bernie Sanders (D- VT) Talks About Frustration On Humanitarian Aid In Gaza
03/06/2024 Israel
03/06/2024 -9999
02/28/2024 Warren, Schumer, Sanders Statement Calling For Investigation Into Student Loan Mismanagement By MOHELA
02/27/2024 Supplemental Funding
02/20/2024 Sanders Sends Letter to Attorney General as BlackRock Appears to Violate Federal Law
02/19/2024 Sanders Applauds Administration's $1.5 Billion Award Aimed at Revitalizing Semiconductor Manufacturing in Vermont
02/15/2024 Sanders Sends Letter to FDA Commissioner Urging Strong Warning Labels to Combat Diabetes Epidemic and Obesity in America
02/12/2024 Sanders, Murray, Scott, and 106 Colleagues Urge Department of Education to Address FAFSA Rollout Issues
02/09/2024 Sanders Urges Colleagues to Vote "NO" on Sending $14 Billion to Fund Netanyahu's Horrific War
02/07/2024 Sanders, "I will vote NO on any bill containing offensive military aid to Netanyahu"
02/02/2024 Sanders to Introduce Amendment to End U.S. Complicity in Netanyahu's War on the Palestinian People
01/30/2024 Sanders Statement on Suspension of Funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency
01/24/2024 Sanders Calls on U.S. to Act on Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza
01/24/2024 -9999
01/22/2024 Sanders and Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Combat Corporate Greed and End Outrageous CEO Pay
01/22/2024 Sanders and Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Combat Corporate Greed and End Outrageous CEO Pay
01/20/2024 Sanders Statement on Netanyahu's Recent Comments Rejecting Two-State Solution

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