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Bernie Sanders' Public Statements on Issue: Economy and Fiscal


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (VT) - Sr

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Date Title
11/14/2023 Chairman Sanders Leads HELP Committee Hearing on Labor Movement Resurgence and the Fight Against Corporate Greed
10/30/2023 NEWS: New GAO Report Finds Pandemic Assistance Helped Reduce Credit Card Debt for America's Working Class for First Time in Over a Decade
10/26/2023 NEWS: Sanders Asks Hospital Executives to Reconsider Decision Not to Testify at Senate HELP Committee Field Hearing in New Jersey on America's Nursing Crisis
10/12/2023 MEDIA ADVISORY: As Nurses Strike for Safer Working Conditions at Hospitals, Sanders to Hold Senate HELP Committee Field Hearing in New Jersey on America's Nursing Crisis
10/05/2023 NEWS: Sanders Sends Letter to Federal Call Center Contractor on Worker Demands for Better Pay
10/03/2023 Warren, Whitehouse, Van Hollen, Sanders Urge Treasury to Use Rulemaking Authority to Close Loopholes, Make Tax System Fairer
09/30/2023 NEWS: Sanders Statement on Vote to Avert Shutdown
09/25/2023 Warren, Senators Urge Treasury Department to Address Climate-Related Financial Risks
09/17/2023 Interview With Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
09/15/2023 Baldwin, Sanders, Wyden Lead Colleagues Pushing Biden Administration to Continue Strengthening Protections Against "Junk" Insurance Plans
08/22/2023 NEWS: Sanders Stands in Solidarity with Nearly 2,000 Nurses on Strike at One of New Jersey's Biggest Hospitals
05/31/2023 NEWS: Sanders to Vote "No' on Debt Ceiling Deal
05/18/2023 NEWS: As Republicans Demand Major Cuts to Hurt Working Americans, 11 Senate Democrats Urge President Biden to Prepare to Invoke the 14th Amendment to Avoid Default
04/30/2023 State of the Union: Interview With Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
03/29/2023 PREPARED REMARKS: Chairman Sanders Questions Howard Schultz in HELP Committee Hearing and Calls on Starbucks to End the Illegal Union Busting
02/19/2023 "Face the Nation" on Feb. 19, 2023
02/15/2023 NEWS: Sanders Statement on Starbucks CEO Refusal to Testify
02/15/2023 NEWS: Moderna CEO Agrees to Testify in Senate HELP Committee
02/13/2023 NEWS: Amid Republican Threats to Social Security, Sanders, Warren, Schakowsky, Hoyle, and Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Increase Benefits and Extend Solvency Through 2096
02/09/2023 NEWS: Sanders Demands Paid Sick Days for Rail Workers
01/18/2023 NEWS: In New Letter, Sanders Calls on CEO Howard Schultz to End Starbucks' "Ruthless Union Busting Campaign" Against Own Workers
01/12/2023 MEDIA ADVISORY: Sanders to Give Major Speech on the State of the Working Class
10/31/2022 Letter to Jerome Powell, Chair of the Federal Reserve - Congresswoman Dean and Senator Warren, with Colleagues, Warn Fed Chair that Rapid Interest Rate Hikes Could Harm Job Market and Trigger a Recession
10/31/2022 Tweet - "President Biden is right. At a time when Exxon, Shell and Chevron increased their profits by 168% to $81 billion in the last 2 quarter by charging outrageously high prices at the pump, we need a windfall profits tax. The revenue should go directly back to the American people."
10/26/2022 Tweet - "Jamie Dimon became a billionaire after his bank was fined billions for mortgage fraud, illegally foreclosing on military families & bribing foreign officials. Now, he's in Saudi Arabia to do business with a country partnering with Russia to damage our economy. Pathetic."

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