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Bernie Sanders' Public Statements on Issue: Drugs


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (VT) - Sr

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Date Title
12/05/2023 HELP Committee to Hold Markup on the SUPPORT Act and ESRA
08/29/2023 Bernie Sanders tweets about Prescription Drugs
10/18/2022 Tweet - "The inventors of insulin sold their patents for $1 in 1923. And yet, the price of insulin in America has gone up by over 1,000% since 1999 causing 1.3 million diabetics in our country to ration insulin last year. It should not cost 10x more for insulin than it does in Canada."
10/06/2022 Tweet - "I have long believed that marijuana should be legalized and those arrested for possession should be pardoned and have their records expunged. The President's executive action today is an important step forward, but much more needs to be done."
06/14/2022 Tweet - "Right now, there are 1,500 paid lobbyists from both parties in Washington working overtime to make sure we don't represent our constituents who are dying and are sick and tired of paying outrageous prices for prescription drugs. What a disgrace."
06/10/2022 Tweet - "Greed. Greed. Greed. Since 2008, the median price for new brand name drugs soared from $2,115 to $180,000 while 3 pharmaceutical companies made $54 billion in profits last year. How many more people need to die before Congress has the guts to take on the pharmaceutical industry?"
06/07/2022 Tweet - "The time is long overdue to legalize marijuana nationally, expunge past marijuana convictions and ensure revenue from legal marijuana is reinvested in the communities most impacted by the failed war on drugs."
06/01/2022 Tweet - "Sen. Manchin is right. Let's cut drug prices in half by strengthening the provision in the House-passed Build Back Better legislation to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices like the VA has done for years, and pass the whole package with 50 votes next week. It's time to vote."
04/02/2022 Tweet - "Marijuana should be legal nationwide. All marijuana convictions must be expunged. It is absurd that the federal government considers marijuana to be as dangerous as heroin"
03/01/2022 Letter to Stephen J. Ubl, President and CEO of PhRMA - Senator Baldwin, Colleagues Call Out Drug Manufacturers For Squeezing American Families With Rapid and Widespread Price Hikes on Prescription Drugs
02/11/2022 Tweet - "8 of the largest drug companies in the United States made nearly $50 billion in profits in 2020, while the CEOs in those pharma giants made over $350 million in total compensation. Meanwhile, Americans pay some of the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs."
02/11/2022 Tweet - "Do you know why 1 out of 4 Americans can't afford their prescription drugs? Do you know why thousands of Americans die every year because they can't afford their medicine? Do you know why millions of Americans ration their insulin? I'll tell you why: greed, greed, greed."
01/11/2022 Sanders Statement on Medicare Limiting Coverage for Alzheimer's Drug
12/21/2021 Van Hollen, Warren, Baldwin, Maloney Reintroduce Landmark CARE Act to Combat the Substance Use Epidemic
12/16/2021 Baldwin, Warren, Maloney Lead More than 100 Democrats in Senate and House in Reintroducing Landmark CARE Act to Combat the Substance Use Epidemic
12/14/2021 Tweet - "We need leadership at the FDA that is finally willing to stand up to the greed and power of the pharmaceutical industry. In this critical moment, Dr. Califf is not the leader Americans need at the agency and I will oppose his nomination."
11/18/2021 Tweet - "In the last 12 months, over 100,000 Americans died from drug overdose. That's the most ever recorded in a single year and a 30% increase over last year. We are now living through a nationwide crisis of deaths of despair. Our people are in need, and their government must respond."
10/06/2021 MSNBC "The Rachel Maddow Show" - Transcript: Interview with Sen. Bernie Sanders
06/22/2021 Letter to the Hon. Richard Shelby, Vice Chair of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the Hon. Cindy Hyde-Smith, Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and Government, the Hon. Chris Van Hollen, Chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government, and the Hon. Patrick Leahy - Rosen Leads Colleagues in Calls to Provide Resources, Millions in Support to Nevada Small Businesses
11/10/2020 Letter to the Hon. William Barr, Attorney General for the Dept. of Justice - Durbin, Senators Call On DOJ To Stop Plans To Make Purdue Pharma A Public Benefit Corporation
09/15/2020 Letter to Mr. Stephen J. Ubl, President and CEO of PhRMA - Senators Demand Big Pharma Allow Low-income Patients to Access Lifesaving, Discounted 340B Drugs and Care

NBC Las Vegas Democratic Debate
02/07/2020 Sanders and Maloney Issue Statement on Indictment of Generic Drug Company Exec Involved in Price-Fixing Scheme
12/19/2019 PBS December Democratic Debate
12/17/2019 Letter to the Board of Directors at Perdue Pharma Inc. - Senators Call on Perdue Pharma to Cancel $1.3 Million Bonus for CEO

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