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Mark Pocan's Public Statements on Issue: Elections


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (WI) - District 2

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Date Title
11/02/2020 Letter to the Hon. Christopher Wray, Dir. of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - Congressman Cohen Asks FBI Director to Investigate Efforts to Deny Voters the Right to a Free and Fair Election
08/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Louis DeJoy, Postmaster General - Dingell Leads Over 100 Bipartisan House Members in Urging Postmaster General to Properly Execute Delivery of Mail-in Ballots
02/05/2020 Pocan: "A Cover-Up That Will Haunt our Democracy'
03/08/2019 Pocan Celebrates House Passage of For the People Act
01/30/2019 Letter to Secretary Pompeo - Reps. Grijalva, Beyer, and Serrano Lead Members of Congress in Demanding U.S. Neutrality in El Salvador's Elections
01/17/2019 Pocan Introduces the 21st Century President Act to Clarify that Women and LGBTQ Americans Can Be President
01/04/2019 Pocan Joins House Democrats in Introducing the For the People Act
07/26/2018 Letter to the Hon. David Kautter, Acting Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, the Hon. Caroline Hunter, Chair of the Federal Election Commission, and the Hon. Ellen Weintraub, Vice Chair of the FEC - Demand Investigation into Trump Foundation
06/11/2018 Pocan Statement on Supreme Court Decision Upholding Ohio's Right to Purge Voters from Rolls
03/12/2018 Letter to Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Urging the President to Follow the Law and Impose Russia Sanctions
01/25/2018 Pocan Calls on House Intelligence Committee and Trump to Release the Nunes Memo
12/21/2017 Letter to the Hon. Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General - Congresswoman Susan Davis Joins in Expressing Support for Robert Mueller's Investigation of Trump
12/21/2017 Letter to the Hon. Rod J. Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General - End Efforts to Undermine Special Counsel Robert S.Mueller III
11/09/2017 Letter to Neven F. Stipanovic, Acting Assistant General Counsel for the Federal Election Commission - Prevent Foreign Meddling in U.S. Elections
10/04/2017 Pocan Statement Regarding Reports that Russian-Linked Facebook Ads Targeted Wisconsin
07/24/2017 Letter to the Wisconsin Elections Commission - Wisconsin House Democrats Urge State Officials to Reject Presidential "Voter Fraud' Commission's Request for Sensitive Information
06/08/2017 Rep. Pocan Statement on Former FBI Director James Comey's Testimony on Trump and Russia
06/01/2017 Letter to the Hon. Don McGahn, Counsel to the President - Suspend Jared Kushner's Security Clearance
04/05/2017 Rep. Johnson Reintroduces Bill to Protect the Security and Integrity of U.S. Elections
03/16/2017 Comprehensive Legislation Would Safeguard Future Elections from Cyber-Attacks
03/16/2017 Reps. Pocan and Ellison Introduce Right to Vote Constitutional Amendment
03/02/2017 Rep. Pocan, Congressional Progressive Caucus Calls for Attorney General Sessions to Resign
02/14/2017 Letter to president Donald Trump - Rep. Pocan Urges President Trump to Fully Declassify Report on Russian Interference in 2016 Election
10/26/2016 Letter to the Hon. Loretta Lynch and Vanita Gupta, Attorney General and Priciple Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice - Requesting Federal Oversight of Elections
09/23/2016 Letter to the Hon. Loretta Lynch, Attorney General, Department of Justice - Ensure Retaliation Will Not Occur, May Need to Intervene in Wisconson Campaign Finance Case

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