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Madison Cawthorn's Public Statements on Issue: Reproduction

Date Title
07/13/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - U.S. Rep. John Rose Demands Biden Rescind Undemocratic and Unconstitutional Abortion Executive Order
05/12/2022 Congressman Cawthorn Introduces Legislation Requiring the CDC to Include Abortions in Death Rates
05/12/2022 Letter to Merrick B. Garland, Attorney General of the U.S. Department of Justice - Mullin Combats Intimidation Tactics of Pro-Abortion Activists
05/12/2022 Congressman Cawthorn Introduces Legislation Requiring the CDC to Include Abortions in Death Rates
04/13/2022 Letter to Merrick Garland, Attorney General of the U.S. Department of Justice - Mullin Demands DOJ Investigation into Gruesome Deaths of Preborn Babies Found in Washington, D.C.
04/06/2022 Congressman Cawthorn Presses HHS Secretary to Define "Human Life"
02/28/2022 Letter to Hon. Robert Califf, US Food and Drug Administration - Latta, Hyde-smith Lead Call for FDA to Immediately Restore Oversight of Chemical Abortion Pills
02/18/2022 Letter to Robert Califf, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration - Kennedy, Hyde-Smith condemn FDA's removal of patient safeguards regarding chemical abortion drug
09/23/2021 Letter to the Hon. Merrick Garland, Attorney General of the United States Department of Justice, the Hon. Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, and the Hon. Francis Collins, Director of the United States Department of Health and Human Services - Cassidy, Colleagues Demand DOJ Investigation on Illegal Fetal Tissue Research
02/22/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Cotton, Bishop to President Biden: Withdraw Becerra
01/26/2021 Letter to Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House; Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader; Hon. Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader; and Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader - Cole Signs Letter Demanding Protection of Hyde Amendment
01/26/2021 Letter to Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House; Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader; Hon. Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader; and Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader - Lucas Joins Colleagues to Oppose the Repeal of the Hyde Amendment
01/01/2020 Issue Position: Life