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Lori Trahan's Public Statements

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Date Title
05/14/2024 National Telecommunications and Information Administration Reauthorization Act of 2024
05/14/2024 Youth Poisoning Protection Act
02/28/2024 Atomic Energy Advancement Act
01/10/2024 Protect and Enhance Social Security
12/13/2023 Directing Certain Committees to Continue Ongoing Investigations Into Whether Sufficient Grounds Exist for the Impeachment of Joseph Biden, President of the United States
09/21/2023 Senators Warren, Markey, Representatives Clark, Trahan, Moulton Call for Updates on Progress of MIT Lincoln Laboratory's West Lab Project
09/20/2023 Government Shutdown
09/13/2023 Accomplishments of the 117th Congress
07/26/2023 Food Assistance Will Be Slashed
05/25/2023 The Debt Crisis
05/23/2023 Take Action on Gun Violence
03/29/2023 Thirteen School Shootings in First 3 Months of 2023
03/29/2023 Lower Energy Costs Act
02/01/2023 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Ahead of State of the Union, Capito Urges Biden to Restore Ondcp Director to Cabinet-level Position
01/26/2023 Durbin, Duckworth, Booker, Schakowsky, García, Trahan Introduce Mentoring To Succeed Act
01/26/2023 Letter to Joaquin Duato, Chair and CEO of Johnson & Johnson - Senator Warren and Representatives Pressley, Clark, and Trahan Renew Request to Johnson & Johnson for Missing Data on Children's Tylenol & Motrin Shortage
01/12/2023 Letter to Joaquin Duato, Chair and CEO of Johnson & Johnson - Clark, Pressley, Warren, Trahan Demand Answers from Johnson & Johnson on Shortage of Infant & Children's Tylenol and Motrin
01/11/2023 Reproductive Rights and Freedoms
12/12/2022 Trahan Hails Historic Fusion Energy Progress
12/08/2022 Trahan Votes to Protect Same-Sex and Interracial Marriage
12/08/2022 Trahan Votes to Increase Pay, Strengthen Care, Improve Benefits for American Servicemembers
12/01/2022 House Passes Bipartisan Bill to Protect Firefighters from PFAS Chemicals
11/30/2022 Trahan Statement on Vote to Secure Sick Days for Rail Workers, Avert Strike
11/22/2022 Letter to Elon Musk, CEO of Twitter - Castro, Cárdenas, Luján, Menendez Lead Colleagues Urging Twitter to Restore Protections for Spanish-speaking Users
11/15/2022 Letter to Gina Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce, Robert Santos, Director of the US Census Bureau - Rep. Jones Joins Colleagues in Urging Census Bureau to Include Information on Lgbtq+ People in 2030 Census

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