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Haley Stevens' Public Statements on Issue: Unemployed and Low-Income


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MI) - District 11

Date Title
06/30/2021 Tlaib, Dingell, Kaptur, Kildee, Levin, and Stevens Secure Key Investments in Midwest in Infrastructure Bill Expected to Pass House This Week
02/09/2021 Letter to Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, Honorable Chuck Schumer, Majority Leader, Honorable Mitch McConnell, Minority Leader, and Honorable Kevin McCarthy, Minority Leader - Blunt Rochester, Jayapal Lead Over 100 Colleagues in Calling on Congressional Leadership Not to Strip Survival Checks from Millions of Americans
07/17/2020 Bonamici, Stevens, Young, Dingell, Veasey Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Expand Energy Assistance for Low-Income Families
05/01/2020 In Response to Rising Unemployment, Democrats Introduce Legislation to Invest $15 Billion in Workforce Training Needed to Relaunch the Economy
03/25/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader, the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, and the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - Dingell, Upton lead 26 in Bringing Down Healthcare Costs for Unemployed
03/19/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House - Stevens Opposes Targeted Approach to Direct Cash Assistance
03/11/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader, the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, and the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - Reps. Kildee, Dingell, Tlaib Urge Congress to Provide Relief for Americans with High Water Bills During Coronavirus Outbreak
11/01/2019 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - Committee Democrats Call on Trump Administration: Abandon Proposal that Jeopardizes Access to School Meals for Nearly 1 Million Children
10/15/2019 Stevens, Hayes, Sewell, Kuster introduce bill to reduce prescription drug costs for low-income Medicare beneficiaries
09/23/2019 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - All Committee Democrats to Secretary Perdue: Proposed Rule Strips Free School Meals from More Than 500,000 Low-Income Children
07/18/2019 Rep. Stevens Applauds House Passage of the Raise the Wage Act