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Liz Cheney's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration

Date Title
02/25/2022 Letter to Antony Blinken, Secretary of State - Franklin, Carbajal Lead Bipartisan Letter Urging State Department Against Increasing Fees on Temporary Agricultural Worker Visas
10/15/2021 Tweet - "At least 160,000 illegal immigrants have reportedly been released into the U.S. by the Biden Administration since March. By reinstating failed Obama-era "catch and release" policies, President Biden's actions have made this crisis worse."
10/13/2021 Letter to the Hon. Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of US Department of Homeland Security - Upton, House Republicans Urge Biden Administration to Continue Remain in Mexico Policy
10/13/2021 Tweet - "Refusing to secure the border -- with supplies that are ready and paid for -- as staggering numbers of illegal immigrants are crossing our border is unacceptable. We must secure our border."
10/07/2021 Tweet - "There is still a crisis at our border -- and as long as the failed Biden policies like reimplementing "catch and release" remain in place, there will continue to be a crisis."
10/05/2021 Tweet - "This is not how we secure the raging crisis at the border. The Biden Admin must stop the failed catch-and-release policy."
08/25/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Hoeven Presses Biden to Outline Plans for Afghanistan
06/18/2021 Tweet - "The border crisis just keeps getting worse… Last month, we saw the highest number of illegal immigrants enter our country in 20+ years. We must secure the border and restore the rule of law."
03/18/2021 Cheney: These Bills Would Exacerbate The Crisis At The Border
03/18/2021 Cheney: These Bills Would Exacerbate The Crisis At The Border
03/11/2021 Cheney: President Biden Is Abdicating His Responsibility By Ignoring The Border Crisis
03/09/2021 Cheney: The Biden Administration Refuses To Open Schools, But Has Decided To Open The Border
06/28/2019 Rep. Cheney Statement On House Passing Humanitarian Assistance For Southern Border
06/27/2019 Tweet - "America is facing a humanitarian & security crisis on our border. Speaker Pelosi should be ashamed she wasted so much time playing politics. I'm pleased the House was finally able to vote today on bipartisan legislation that will provide the crucial resources needed at our border"
06/25/2019 Rep. Cheney: Democrats Are Not Serious About Solving Border Crisis
06/18/2019 Fox News "The Story with Martha MacCallum" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. Liz Cheney
01/20/2019 NBC "Meet the Press" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. Liz Cheney
06/27/2018 Providing for Further Consideration of H.R. Department of Defense Appropriations Act, and Providing for Proceedings During the Period From June Through July 2018
01/01/2018 Issue Position: Securing the Border & Fighting Illegal Immigration
06/29/2017 Congressman Cheney Votes to Protect American Citizens
01/01/2016 Issue Position: Secure America's Borders