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Donald Trump's Public Statements

On The Ballot: Running, Republican for President

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Date Title
05/30/2024 Statement from President Donald J. Trump on the Rigged Biden Trial Verdict
03/27/2024 ICYMI: Truth from President Donald J. Trump
03/26/2024 ICYMI: Truth from President Donald J. Trump
03/25/2024 Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Appeals Court Ruling
03/21/2024 ICYMI: Truth from President Donald J. Trump
03/18/2024 ICYMI: Truth from President Donald J. Trump
03/18/2024 Statement from President Donald J. Trump on New York Bond
03/13/2024 Twitter: IT’S OFFICIAL: President Donald J. Trump Has Eclipsed the Delegate Threshold to Officially Clinch the Republican Nomination for President of the United States.
03/11/2024 President Trump Reiterates Protecting Entitlements Like Social Security and Medicare; Would Get Rid of Waste and Fraud.
03/06/2024 Twitter: ICYMI: President Donald J. Trump Calls For Presidential Debates Against Crooked Joe Biden
03/06/2024 Twitter: ICYMI: President Donald J. Trump Announces State of the Union Rapid Response Operation
03/06/2024 Twitter: Statement from President Donald J. Trump Before Nikki Haley’s Speech
03/06/2024 Trump Remarks after Dominant Super Tuesday Performance
02/29/2024 ICYMI: “DONALD TRUMP: Only I can stop Biden’s illegal migrant invasion”
02/27/2024 Transcript of President Donald J. Trump's Remarks to the Michigan GOP After Dominating Victory
02/16/2024 Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Crooked Joe Biden-directed New York AG Witch Hunt
02/12/2024 Facebook Twitter Trump Speaks to NRA Members: ‘your Second Amendment Will Always Be Safe With Me as Your President’
02/08/2024 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States
01/24/2024 Trump Speaks after Winning New Hampshire Primary Transcript
01/16/2024 Trump Speaks After Winning 2024 Iowa Caucuses Transcript
12/28/2023 Trump Campaign Statement on Maine Secretary of State Ruling
09/17/2023 Meet the Press: Former President Donald Trump
09/17/2023 Kristen Welker's interview with Trump
09/12/2023 Donald Trump writes about Iran Detainee Return
08/14/2023 Statement from President Donald J. Trump on the Devastating Maui Wildfires

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