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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Government Budget and Spending


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

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Date Title
02/23/2024 Warren, Markey Urge Senate Appropriations Leaders to Increase Funding to FEMA’s Shelter and Services Program to Support New Arrivals
02/15/2024 Warren, Baldwin, Casey, Schakowsky Reintroduce Legislation to Crack Down on Price Gouging by Giant Corporations
02/13/2024 Warren Statement on Supplemental Vote
02/05/2024 Warren, Markey Urge Schumer, McConnell, Senate Appropriation Leaders to Provide Robust Disaster Relief Funding for Massachusetts Farmers
01/10/2024 Warren, Jayapal Raise Concerns about Commerce Department Tasking Wall Street Financiers with Allocating $39 Billion in CHIPS Semiconductor Funding
10/27/2023 Senator Murray, Colleagues Call For Fuel Deliveries to Hospitals and Water Treatment Centers in Gaza
10/25/2023 Warren Chairs Banking Subcommittee Field Hearing in Lowell, Highlights Impacts of Federal Infrastructure Funding for Massachusetts
10/19/2023 Warren, Murphy, Lawmakers Call for Humanitarian Aid to Address Emergency Needs in Gaza
10/05/2023 Senator Warren, Representatives García, Norcross, Beatty, Jayapal, Lead Colleagues to Urge Biden Administration to Support Aid for Crisis-Hit Countries
08/23/2023 Senators Warren, Blumenthal, Graham Meet With President Zelenskyy and Top Officials During Visit to Ukraine
07/27/2023 ICYMI: Chairing Personnel Subcommittee Hearing, Warren Calls out DoD Losing Billions to Contractor and Health Care Price Gouging
05/31/2023 ICYMI: Senator Warren Delivers Speech Ahead of Republicans' Attempt to Force Millions of Americans to Make Retroactive Student Debt and Interest Payments, Claw Back Debt Relief from Public Servants
05/26/2023 Warren, Markey, Whitehouse Blast Chamber of Commerce "Cheerleading" Republicans' Radical Debt Ceiling Hostage Demands While Lobbying for Tax Breaks for Giant Corporations
05/25/2023 Warren, Garamendi Call Out Boeing and TransDigm for Refusing to Provide Cost or Pricing Data to Defense Department, Potentially Price Gouging Taxpayers
05/24/2023 Warren, Markey, Keating, Moulton Urge Defense Secretary to Support Funding for Replacement of Cape Cod Canal Bridges
05/16/2023 ICYMI: On Senate Floor, Senator Warren Delivers Speech on Republicans' Reckless Debt Ceiling Proposal and Unworkable Red Tape
05/15/2023 Warren, Sanders, Lee Call on Departments of Defense and State to Improve Tracking and Monitoring of U.S.-Origin Weapons
04/17/2023 Senator Warren Responds to McCarthy's Speech to Wall Street on Debt Limit
02/16/2023 Senator Baldwin Calls on HHS to Release Remaining $1.5 Billion in LIHEAP Funding to Help Wisconsin Families Afford Energy Bills
01/31/2023 Letter to Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense - Warren Leads Bipartisan Call to DoD: Stop Sending Congress "Bloated Wish Lists" of Wasteful, Unnecessary Spending
01/13/2023 In New Eight-Page Letter, Senators Warren, Markey Continue to Push DPU Chair Nelson for Answers and Accountability on MBTA Mismanagement
10/06/2022 Letter to Shalanda Young, Director of the Office of Budget and Management - Senator Baldwin Leads 117 Members of Congress in Asking the Biden Administration to Request Budget Funding that Adequately Reflects the President's Priority to Advance LGBTQI+ Rights Around the World
09/29/2022 Letter to President Joseph R. Biden - Senator Baldwin Joins Colleagues in Urging President Biden to Fill Leadership Posts at Social Security Administration
08/02/2022 Letter to Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Antony Blinken, Secretary of State, Samantha Power, Administrator for the US Agency for International Development - Schakowsky, Lee, Blumenthal, and Booker Lead Colleagues in Pressing Federal Agencies to Reinforce Helms Amendment Exceptions to Countries and Organizations That Receive U.S. Foreign Assistance
06/09/2022 NEWS: Sanders, Warren, and Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Expand Social Security by $2,400 a Year and Extend Solvency for 75 Years

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