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Patrick Murphy's Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas

Date Title
09/28/2016 Letter to Barack Obama, President of The United States - Stop Arctic Oil Drilling
07/13/2016 Bipartisan Florida Delegation Pushes to Protect State's Shores From Seismic Testing
07/12/2016 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017
06/08/2016 Letter to President Barack Obama - Opposing Offshore Seismic Testing
05/02/2016 Letter to Sally Jewell, Secretary of the Interior - Rep. Huffman Leads Bipartisan Letter Urging DOI to End Dangerous Oil & Gas Drilling in the Arctic
05/02/2016 Letter to The Honorable Sall Jewell, Secretary U.S. Department of the Interior - Urging DOI to End Dangerous Oil & Gas Drilling in the Arctic
05/02/2016 Letter to the Honorable Sally Jewell, Secretary of the US Department of the Interior - Protecting Arctic Ecosystem
04/26/2016 Foreign Spill Protection Act of 2016
04/26/2016 Curbelo-Murphy Foreign Spill Protection Act Passes House
04/22/2016 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Thank You For Removing Atlantic States From Offshore Drilling Program
03/15/2016 Murphy Hails Administration Decision to Protect East Coast From Offshore Drilling
02/11/2016 Letter to the Hon. Sally Jewell, Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior - Urging Administration to Abandon Drilling Plans in Atlantic Ocean
07/08/2015 Murphy Leads Delegation Effort to Block Offshore Drilling
07/07/2015 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016
05/21/2015 Leading Environmental Groups Endorse Murphy Offshore Drilling Exploration Legislation
05/13/2015 Murphy, Posey, Graham Lead Effort to Prohibit Drilling Exploration Off Florida's Coasts
03/26/2015 Murphy, Curbelo Introduce Foreign Spill Protection Act
03/26/2015 Reps. Curbelo and Murphy Introduce Foreign Spill Protection Act
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Environment and Energy Independence
08/01/2013 Murphy Introduces 'People's Choice' Bill to End Welfare for Big Oil