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Tom Rice's Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas

Date Title
04/08/2022 Lofgren, Rice Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Repeal Ethanol Mandate Law
10/14/2021 Letter to the Hon. Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Cheney & Colleagues Call on Biden to Put American Energy First, Stop Emboldening Bad Actors
02/03/2021 Congressman Rice Cosponsors Keystone XL Pipeline Construction and Jobs Act
09/09/2020 Rep. Rice Applauds President Trump's Extension of South Carolina's Off-Shore Drilling Moratorium
10/22/2019 Congressman Rice writes to Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross opposing seismic blast-testing
06/12/2018 Letter to the Hon. Ryan Zinke, Secretary of the Interior - No Offshore Drilling in South Carolina
03/08/2018 Letter to the Hon. Ryan Zinke, Secretary of the Interior - Reconsider Offshore Drilling Plan
09/15/2015 Rice Attends Field Hearing on the Impacts of Federal Policies on Energy Production and Economic Growth in the Gulf
08/11/2015 Florence Morning News - Congressman Rice says Roads Need Long-Term Fix
08/05/2015 Denham Concludes Bipartisan Bakken Tour
07/07/2015 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016
02/24/2015 Congressman Rice: The President Vetoed American Jobs
01/09/2015 House Sends Keystone Pipeline Bill to Senate
04/16/2014 Morning News - SC Congressional Delegates Talk Infrastructure, Energy
02/04/2014 The Sun News: It's Time for Obama to Approve Keystone Pipeline
11/20/2013 U.S. House Votes to Increase Oil and Gas Development on Federal Land
05/22/2013 Rep. Rice Approves Project to Create More than 40,000 Jobs
05/22/2013 Northern Route Approval Act
05/20/2013 It's Time to Fish or Cut Bait
05/01/2013 WBTW - Newt Gingrich and Tom Rice speak on importance of using state natural resources