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Denny Heck's Public Statements on Issue: Senior Citizens


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for Lieutenant Governor (WA)

Date Title
10/02/2020 Letter to the Hon. Jeanne Klinefelter Wilson, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Employee Benefits Security Administration - Democrats Criticize Proposed Labor Department Rule Weakening Tool to Advance Financial Interests of Workers and Retirees
08/25/2020 Letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Bonamici, Katko, Wild, Stefanik Lead Bipartisan Call for $1.1B to Fund Programs for Older Americans During COVID-19
05/12/2020 Letter to Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Kevin McCarthy - Senators Van Hollen, Smith and Representative Trone to Address Social Isolation Among Seniors in Next Coronavirus Package
03/15/2018 Letter to Chairman Aderholt and Ranking Member Bishop - Preserve Funding for Critical Nutrition Program for Seniors
02/28/2017 Letter to Dr. Patrick Conway, Acting Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - Preserve Medicare Advantage
03/12/2015 Letter to Andy Slavitt, Acting Administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - Medicare Advantage
09/30/2014 Letter to Carolyn Colvin, Commisioner of the Social Security Administration - Same Sex Couples and Social Security Benefits
03/10/2014 Letter to Marilyn Tavenner, Administrator of the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services - Medicare Part D
07/31/2013 U.S. Senate Passes Congressman Denny Heck's First Bill
04/19/2013 Letter to Marilyn Tavenner, Acting Administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
01/01/2013 Issue Position: Seniors
01/01/2012 Issue Position: Social Security
01/01/2012 Issue Position: Healthcare
01/01/2012 Issue Position: Medicare