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James Lankford's Public Statements on Issue: Legal

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Date Title
11/17/2021 All 50 Republican Senators Challenge Biden's Vaccine Mandate for Businesses, Vote to Happen Early December
09/23/2021 Letter to the Hon. Merrick Garland, Attorney General of the United States Department of Justice, the Hon. Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, and the Hon. Francis Collins, Director of the United States Department of Health and Human Services - Cassidy, Colleagues Demand DOJ Investigation on Illegal Fetal Tissue Research
08/18/2021 Letter to Hon. Merrick Garland, United States Attorney General; and Hon. Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Sen. Cramer, Colleagues Demand Justice for Conscience Rights of Health Care Workers
08/11/2021 Letter to Hon. Merrick Garland, United States Attorney General; and Hon. Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Harris and Colleagues React After DOJ Voluntarily Dismisses Lawsuit Against Hospital that Forced Nurses to Assist in Elective Abortions Against their Conscience
07/30/2021 Lankford, Colleagues Urge SCOTUS to Overturn Roe v. Wade
03/25/2021 Sens. Coons, Wicker reintroduce bipartisan bill targeting debt-based driver's license suspensions
03/18/2021 Letter to Honorable Gene L. Dodaro, Comptroller General - Idaho Senators Question Legality of Border Wall Funding Freeze Amid Escalating Crisis
03/17/2021 Letter to the Honorable Gene L. Dodaro, Comptroller General - Rubio, Capito, GOP Colleagues: Biden Escalating Border Crisis by Unlawfully Freezing Border Wall Funding
03/17/2021 Letter to Honorable Gene L. Dodaro, Comptroller General - Senate GOP: Biden Escalating Border Crisis by Unlawfully Freezing Border Wall Funding
07/20/2020 Oklahoma Congressional Delegation Welcomes Proposal to Congress from State and Tribal Nations
08/29/2019 Letter to the Hon. Scott Harris, Clerk for the Supreme Court of the U.S. - Senate Republicans Send Unified Message Against Democrats' Court-Packing Threat
08/21/2018 Senators Lankford and Inhofe Slam ABA Rating of John O'Connor
06/26/2017 Senator Lankford Applauds Supreme Court Trinity Lutheran Ruling
06/07/2017 Department of Justice Implements Senator Lankford's Slush Fund Reform
02/08/2017 Senator Lankford Cosponsors Bill to Repeal Antiquated Laws Directed Toward Native Americans
01/13/2017 Hartzler, Lankford Lead Amicus Brief Urging Reversal in Title IX Case
09/28/2016 Senator Lankford Votes to Override President's Veto of 9/11 Victim Families Bill
09/28/2016 Lankford, Hartzler Led Amicus Brief Challenging Obama Administration's Executive Overreach in Title IX Case
06/27/2016 Senator Lankford Statement on Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt
06/23/2016 Senator Lankford Statement on the Supreme Court Decision to Block President Obama's Immigration Policy
05/12/2016 Senator Lankford Statement on House v. Burwell Obamacare Lawsuit
01/01/2016 Issue Position: Health Care
08/04/2015 Senator Lankford Introduces Bill to Protect Conscience Rights of Americans
07/15/2015 Senator Lankford Statement on President Obama's Visit to Oklahoma
06/04/2015 Cartwright and Posey Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Make Federal Agency Settlements More Transparent

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