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Duncan Hunter's Public Statements on Issue: Economy and Fiscal

Date Title
03/07/2017 Hunter Introduces METALS Act to Curtail U.S. Dependence on Foreign-Sourced Strategic and Critical Materials Supporting National Defense
01/23/2017 Reps. Hunter, Thompson (CA-5) Commend Official Challenge to Canadian Trade Measures That Discriminate Against U.S. Wine
12/13/2016 Letter to Hon. Mike Pence, Vice President-Elect - E-Cigarette Regulations
12/07/2015 Hunter: Why is Obama letting China beat the US at global drone sales?
10/27/2015 Export-Import Bank Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2015
02/27/2015 Letter to Tom Price, Chair of the House Budget Committee - Budget Views and Estimates Letter for FY2016
02/11/2015 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader of the House of Representatives - Improving Transportation Infrastructure
10/24/2012 New Report Documents President's Executive Overreach in Education, Workforce Issues
07/09/2012 Representatives Bilbray, Hunter Introduce Bipartisan "Buy American' Resolution in Anticipation of National Independence Day
03/09/2012 Hunter Statement on February Jobs Report
02/17/2012 Letter to President Obama
11/18/2011 America Needs a Balanced Budget Amendment
07/21/2011 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives, and Eric Cantor, Majority Leader, U.S. House of Representatives
07/07/2011 East County Herald - Jobs & Economy Still a Priority
04/07/2011 Politico - Keep Cutting, But Fund Defense Now
09/03/2010 Statement on August Jobs Report
08/19/2010 Op-Ed - Don't Play Politics With Defense Budget
01/31/2010 Op-Ed: Crushing The Status Quo
12/01/2009 December 2009 Newsletter
01/20/2009 Stimulus Won't Jumpstart Economy