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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Project Vote Smart is Coming to Your Town!!

2007 August 20 - Media

Bus layout

Project Vote Smart is hitting the road and coming to a town near you!!!! Project Vote Smart is the proud owner of 46' motor coach, with a state-of-the-art interactive movie theatre and with internet terminals. Beginning in October 2007 PVS will be traveling the country to unveil the completed Voter's Self-Defense System, and showing voters from around the nation how they can fight back against the lies and misinformation that they will undoubtedly face in the run-up to the 2008 elections.

We need your help with this tour!!! We are currently looking for venues to bring the bus as we unveil the Voter's Self-Defense System. If you have an event, club meeting, festival or any other venue that you think this bus would be appropriate for we want to know about it. If you have a suggestion please e-mail and tell us about it. We need to know where it is, what it is, how many people are expected to attend, contact information for the event or function, and any other information that will help us to bring the bus to your community, so that we can arm you and your neighbors with these essential tools to defend yourselves.

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