

The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

May Common Ground E-Newsletter

2015 May 07

Once again, Vote Smart is receiving high praise. This weekend, Vote Smart appeared on the front page of the website Reddit, which serves as a platform for users to share and vote on information from the internet:
"Project Vote Smart - See how politicians voted on policies, how they stand on certain issues, etc. Basically, an easy-as-pie guide to being an educated voter!"
On Reddit, anyone can submit content from the internet, and users vote for or against it. Only the most popular posts are promoted to the front page. Comments on the post included lively discussion, sharing of resources for users outside the US, and great some great feedback.
It is clear that more and more people understand and appreciate the work Vote Smart does. We provide citizens access to detailed information on politicians’ bios, votes, funding, speeches, issue stances, and special interest ratings.
Want to help Vote Smart fulfill its mission? We have 3 great ways you can help:
1.  Become a member. We don’t accept money from corporations or special interest groups. We rely on our members for support, and we need your help.
2. Join us at our beautiful Montana research center. Our interns and volunteers are the backbone of our organization.
3. Spread the word! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, or send this email message to your friends.
Thank you for your continued support!

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