

The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

VoteEasy and PCT Results Released in New Jersey

2014 October 27

Great Divide Ranch, MT—Today, Vote Smart released the results of the National Political Courage Test to VoteEasy at, giving New Jersey voters an invaluable resource for identifying their best political match November 4th. Nine of the congressional candidates passed the 2014 Political Courage Test.

Since 1992, the Test has measured each candidate’s willingness to answer the voter’s questions on vital issues. 
VoteEasy, an easy-to-use tool on Vote Smart’s new user-friendly website, uses the results of the test to help voters find their perfect match.

“Seventy percent of today’s political advertising is used in attack ads, and few candidates are willing to expose themselves on issues that their pollsters have not stamped as ‘safe’,” said Adelaide Elm, Vote Smart board member, “but thanks to VoteEasy, voters have access to the information candidates don’t want them to know.”

By simply entering their zip code into VoteEasy, voters can instantly compare their own positions on twelve key issues to those of the congressional candidates who want their votes, in an entertaining, visual candidate-matching tool.

Additionally, voters can find their comprehensive profiles in Vote Smart’s new web-based tool called I SPY, which allows them to enter a candidate’s name and see everything from Political Courage Test results to top campaign contributions.

Vote Smart’s extensive research serves as the foundation for the Political Courage Test and VoteEasy, and fuels the tools that empower voters to vote smart.

Each candidate was contacted repetitiously by Vote Smart or its national partner, USA Today ...

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