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Political Research Wrap-Up: Politics as usual?

9 October 2017

The White House and Capitol take on immigration, budgets, and taxes as we approach crucial off-year elections in November. Read on for a glimpse at some of our most recent key research.

Notable Public Statements:
  • Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) views the National Anthem protests as Un-American. Read full statement➤

  • Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) statement after the Trump administration declared their intentions to end the DACA program. Read full statement➤

  • Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) wrote a letter to President Trump urging for additional federal assistance to Puerto Rico. Read full statement➤

  • Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) on the resignation of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tom Price Read full statement➤

  • Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) following the Tax Policy Center’s analysis of the GOP tax reform framework. Read full statement➤

  • Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) following the Tax Policy Center’s analysis of the GOP tax reform framework. Read full statement➤

  • President Donald Trump discussed tax reform at a recent event. Read full statement➤

  • Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) pitched tax reform for middle class families in a recent interview with Face the Nation. Read full statement➤

Check out our latest piece. Click here to read “Unconventional Elections in America”

Recent Legislation:

  • HR 3697: The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that authorizes the deportation of any immigrant suspected of gang membership. It is currently awaiting a vote from the Senate.

  • HR 3354: This bill appropriates $1.2 trillion in government funds to the Department of Interior, environment and related agencies for the 2018 fiscal year. It is currently awaiting a vote from the Senate.

  • HR 601: This bill provides $15 billion in emergency disaster relief and a temporary extension of the debt ceiling that will end on December 9, 2017. President Trump signed the bill on September 8, 2017.

  • OH HB 170: This Ohio bill authorizes high school students to take a computer science course in lieu of Algebra II to meet graduation requirements. It is currently awaiting a vote from the Ohio State Senate.

  • CA SB 328: This California bill requires middle schools and high schools to start their school days no earlier than 8:30 a.m. It passed the CA Senate, but failed in the Assembly.

  • CA AB 291: This California bill prohibits landlords from disclosing the immigration status or threatening to do so in retaliation or for the purpose of eviction. The bill is currently awaiting the Governor’s approval.

  • WI SB 15: Commonly known as the REINS Act, this Wisconsin bill expands the regulatory review powers of the legislature. It was signed by Gov. Scott Walker on August 9, 2017.

Election Results:

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Related tags: anthem, daca, immigration, national, policy, puerto, reform, rico, tax

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