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Summer and Snow in Montana

23 June 2009
Written by

[caption id="attachment_301" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Summer in Montana"] Summer in Montana [/caption]

"So how's your weather?" It's a simple question made in moments where conversation is needed, whether it be to fill the void occupied currently by silence, or perhaps to connect on a base level, explaining to the person, through your concern that; yes, I too, live in a land with weather.

Well here in Montana we frequently get to surprise people with our answer, or simply confirm every stereotype they have of our lovely land to the north. For you see, some time around 12:45 MST June 22, 2009, snow began to fall on the Great Divide Ranch. But we are a tireless people, we mountainous denizens, ever waiting for the erstwhile zephyr of summer, toiling away, warmed only by the glow of computer monitors as we try to educate.

Anyway, I am rambling. How's your weather?

-Brandon Horton, Research Director

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