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Here's What's Happening in Congress:

15 September 2007
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Senate Amendment 2707 to HR 2764

HR 2764 is the Department of State and foreign operations appropriations bill. Senate amendment 2707 to that bill would prohibit U.S. funding from going to nongovernmental organizations that perform or support coercive abortion and involuntary sterilization. This amendment passed 48-45. Want to see how your elected official voted on this amendment? Check out this link and click How Members Voted on the upper right.

To learn about other votes that have taken place in the last week in Congress, click the link below!

Senate Amendment 2792 to HR 3074:

HR 3074 is the Department of Transportation appropriations bill. Senate amendment 2792 would provide $1 billion exclusively for bridge repair and maintenance. This amendment would also allow the Secretary of Transportation to accept money from non-government sources to repair damages resulting from third party liability for the damages. The Department of Transportation keeps a backlog of bridge repair and maintenance jobs that is currently totaling between $60 and $65 billion. This amendment passed 60-33. To see our summary of this amendment and how your elected officials voted, use this link:

Senate Amendment 2797 to HR 3074:

This is another amendment to the Transportation appropriations bill. This amendment would ban a proposed program allowing trucks from Mexico to travel into the United States beyond the commercial zone along the U.S./Mexico border. This amendment passed 75-23 on September 11. Look for a summary of this amendment on our website at the following link probably by Tuesday. For now if you would like to see how your elected official voted on this piece of legislation, use this link and then click "How Members Voted" in the upper right:

HR 1908 passed the House 220-175 September 7. This bill amends patent law more extensively than any bill in the last fifty years or so. Look for a summary of this bill to appear on our website probably by Tuesday. You can see how your elected officials voted using the link below:

The conference version of HR 2669, a bill the Democrats have declared as a primary agenda item this year, passed the House and Senate on September 7. The House passed the conference version 292-97, and the Senate passed it 79-12. This bill makes several changes regarding student lending and Pell grants. To see our summaries of these votes, use the links here:

House Conference Vote:

Senate Conference Vote:

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Related tags: 2007, Congress, blog, key-votes

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