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Encourage New Jersey and Virginia Candidates to Respond to the NPAT

24 August 2007
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The 2007 editions of the National Political Awareness Test (NPAT) for New Jersey and Virginia have been sent to all candidates for office in these states.

The National Political Awareness Test asks candidates one central question: "Are you willing to tell citizens your positions on the issues you will most likely face on their behalf?" If they answer "yes" we ask them to prove it by responding to a series of questions about these issues.

The Virginia and New Jersey versions of the NPAT included questions regarding the use of eminent domain for the purpose of private development, the employment of undocumented immigrants, smoking bans in the state, the death penalty, access to health care and the licensing of gun possession.

To view the entire Virginia State NPAT please visit: The Virginia State NPAT

To view the entire New Jersey State NPAT please visit: The New Jersey State NPAT

Unfortunately, for the past 10 years response rates to the NPAT have fallen drastically. Until now, we have relied entirely on mainstream media organizations to pressure candidates into responding to the NPAT. This year though, we are hoping to bombard candidates with these requests, from a variety of sources, including bloggers and individual citizens.

The New Jersey version of the NPAT is particularly exciting because for the first time ever the test can be filled out on our website.

I am writing today to encourage you, if you're from Virginia or New Jersey, or follow Virginia or New Jersey politics to call the candidates for office that are seeking your support and ask them to fill out the NPAT.

The contact information for all of the candidates for office in Virginia can be found at: Virginia State Candidates.

The contact information for all of the candidates for office in New Jersey can be found at: New Jersey State Candidates.

Related tags: 2007-election, New-Jersey, Virginia, blog, elections, state-officials

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