S 58 - Amends Criminal Justice Laws and Statutes for the State of Vermont - Vermont Key Vote


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Title: Amends Criminal Justice Laws and Statutes for the State of Vermont

Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that amends criminal justice laws and statutes for the state of Vermont and criminalize certain actions related to trafficking in the state of Vermont.


  • Amends the definition of knowingly for purposes of liability in drug offenses (Sec. 1). 

  • Increases penalties for second and subsequent offenses for trafficking (Sec. 1). 

  • Prohibits using the fact that a substance contains more than one regulated drug from being a defense if the proximate cause of death is the use of the dispensed or sold substance containing more than one regulated drug (Sec. 1). 

  • Requires that the mandatory minimum sentences for subsequent trafficking offenses and dispensing or sale of a regulated drug with death resulting be served unless Specified that the court makes written findings on the record that such an alternative sentence will serve the interests of justice (Sec. 1).

Title: Amends Criminal Justice Laws and Statutes for the State of Vermont
