Ratepayer Protection Act of 2015

Floor Speech

Date: June 24, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Environment


Mr. Chairman, first, I thank the distinguished gentleman from New Jersey for yielding.

I also rise in strong opposition to H.R. 2042.

No one wants to see new rules and regulations just for the fun of it, and we should not take this EPA rule lightly. But here is why we must let this rule move forward: one, climate change is real; two, it is caused by greenhouse gases that are released from human activities; and three, it has already been changing the world as we know it.

Pope Francis, in his encyclical, ``Laudato Si,'' or, ``Praise Be to You,'' points out that ``reducing greenhouse gases requires honesty, courage, and responsibility, above all on the part of those countries which are more powerful and pollute the most.''

The Pope is right. We need to be honest about climate change, we need to be courageous and face the future, and we need to take responsibility for our carbon pollution.

That is exactly why we need to work with the EPA, with States, with our great research centers, and with our energy sector to increase efficiency and to transition to cleaner fuels and renewable energy sources.

The clean power plan and the authority granted by the Clean Air Act is the vehicle we have right now to cut greenhouse gas emissions and to clean up polluted air. But my colleagues are telling States they should just say no and completely opt out of doing their part and subject this rule, which, by the way, we have not even seen it in its final place, to years and years of delay.

This is not honest. It is not courageous. It is not a responsible way to deal with greenhouse gas pollution

I urge my colleagues to vote ``no'' on the irresponsible and shortsighted Ratepayer Protection Act.

