Looking Ahead to the Supreme Court

Date: May 18, 2005
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Judicial Branch

LOOKING AHEAD TO THE SUPREME COURT -- (House of Representatives - May 18, 2005)

(Mr. CROWLEY asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. CROWLEY. Mr. Speaker, the extreme action Senate Republicans want to take later this week has nothing to do with seven judges who have yet to be approved by the Senate. No, the Senate has approved more of President Bush's nominees than any President since President Reagan. In fact, he has had so much success that he is now presiding over the lowest court vacancy rate in 15 years.

The Republican power grab is about clearing the way for a Supreme Court nominee who only needs 51 votes instead of 60 votes.

Conservative Senate Republicans do not want a David Souter or a Stephen Breyer, judges who were confirmed with nearly unanimous bipartisan support. Instead, they want a Clarence Thomas, who was confirmed with only 52 votes and has since been proven to be an extremist on the Court.

Mr. Speaker, Senate Republicans are preparing to blow up 200 years of tradition in the U.S. Senate, abusing their power now, so they can have greater control over the judiciary later on. That is not how our Founding Fathers envisioned the checks and balances that exist between the branches of our government. The sad fact is, I do not think my colleagues on the other side of the aisle care.

