Issue Position: Foreign Affairs

Issue Position

We should be strong and strategic in our relationships with foreign countries.

The United States is uniquely positioned to advocate for freedom and representative government for all people. The value we place on individual rights and liberties, including freedom of religion, is unparalleled across the globe. Defending basic human rights -- including the right to life, political liberty, and religious freedom -- is imperative in our foreign policy.

I have routinely stated the importance of reviewing all federal spending programs, and this includes our foreign affairs budget. Even though foreign affairs funding accounts for only 1% of the budget, there are certainly ways to make the use of such funds more effective and efficient. At the same time, foreign affairs funding is a crucial component of our overall national defense strategy.

Trade partnerships are one of the most critical aspects of building our relationships with other nations, particularly in the First District of Kansas. It is important that Kansas farmers, ranchers, and manufacturers be able to participate in the global marketplace, and for that reason I support expanded free trade agreements to sell more products around the world.
