Blog: Democratic Party Messaging


Date: Oct. 26, 2014

Democratic Party messaging, in conjunction with support from their media friends, has had a very real and detrimental effect on an honest political-dialogue.

An illustrative example is the dishonest portrayal of conservatism as "obstructionist." Describing the conservative fight FOR pro-growth tax rates, healthcare controlled by the American people, and school choice, as "against" higher taxes, Obamacare, and bureaucrat-controlled education respectively, is a slick, rhetorical trick which biased members of the media apparatus knowingly employ to influence the national conversation.

A recent editorial endorsement of my opponent, by a haplessly left-leaning newspaper, provides additional evidence of how they deliberately mislead you. Despite a detailed analytical explanation by me, to their openly biased editorial staff, about the difference between tax rates and tax revenue (ironically, a relationship acknowledged by both John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan) they described me as a candidate ruling out "any realistic deal with Democrats that would yield new revenue." That's Orwellian newspeak for my fight for pro-growth, rather than pro-debt and deficit, tax rates.

"Realistic deal"? So, in their view, the only "realistic deal" possible must involve even more tax hikes? Do they do any homework on the dynamic effects of tax hikes on our economy? The President and my opponent have already hiked taxes, and they support even more tax hikes, but we are still running historic deficits. Open-minded people in the media would typically call this a "clue", but when ideology blinds you to common-sense, nothing can break through.

In short, I will always fight for your wallet, educational opportunities, and your healthcare. And, if that makes me a target for the DC elites then I'm ok with that. I would much prefer being shunned by elitist insiders than being on the inside of wrong. Fight the good fight. Fight the right fight. A better tomorrow needs people willing to take a principled stand today, and no one said it would be easy.
