My Opponent Is Smearing Me, So I Need Your Help


My opponent has just rolled out a disgusting attack website, proclaiming that I'm "without honor." Her dirty gutter-site spews out utterly specious attacks on my personal life and my professional experience, in lieu of anything resembling an actual discussion of issues.

What does my opponent's smear-site say about jobs? Nothing.

Healthcare? Nothing.

Education? Nothing.

Foreign policy? Nothing.

The budget? Nothing.

The gap between rich and poor? Nothing.

Taxes? Nothing.

Just trash, slime, muck, crud and scuz. What President Clinton called "the politics of personal destruction."

My opponent is wrong on the issues. She's done nothing to help the voters. So all she can do is denigrate me and vilify me, dragging my name through the mud.

So help us fight back. Please -- help us fight back.

The great majority of my opponent's dreck-site is just slanderous swill about my personal life. But once in a while, something resembling an actual issue insinuates itself into the stream of calumny -- in a very revealing way.

Here are a few more things that my opponent's sewer-site chastises me for:

My call for stricter campaign finance laws (which she argues makes me "hypocritical," apparently because we have so many small donors).

My successful battle to prevent crooked contractors who cheat the taxpayers and the troops from getting new federal contracts (because this supposedly constitutes an attack on "small business").

My support for a new Planned Parenthood clinic in my district (because she says that it supposedly would "target Hispanics for destruction"; in the GOP lexicon, a pap smear is "destruction").

My sympathy for the 80,000 people in my district who are undocumented (because, according to my very confused opponent, all Hispanics are "legal US citizens").

My statement that the Army's failure to take responsibility for huge increases in cancer and other serious health problems near a base where it tested unconventional weapons was "illogical and cruel" (because the Army denies any responsibility).

Yes, I wish that sewer money would get the hell out of politics. Yes, I think that war profiteers should be punished, not rewarded. Yes, I think that women should have full health coverage. Yes, I feel for the undocumented who live in the shadows. Yes, I believe that the military should accept responsibility when it ruins the lives of innocent Americans.

And for that, my opponent is condemning me.

Look, it's showtime. The election is just 10 days away. We cannot let my opponent's lies defeat our truth. Please contribute to our campaign today, so that we can set the record straight.


Rep. Alan Grayson
