Issue Position: National Defense

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

America must be strong and vigilant and we need national defense policies at home and overseas that keep America safe and free.

Unfortunately, the President's budget priorities have placed ObamaCare above defense spending and the President's 2013 budget reduced national defense to the lowest of the major budget priorities of the federal government in terms of dollars allocated. In addition, our military's personnel levels and force structure have also been reduced.

History has taught us that standing up to bullies early can save American lives later on. President Reagan stood up to the Soviets until the people of the Soviet Union themselves demanded Western freedoms -- and President Reagan lived to see the dismantling of the Berlin Wall.

Being the greatest nation in the world brings great responsibility. Throughout history, America's values and principles have been beacons of freedom to the world.

We need to ensure a military that is capable of safeguarding our national security, preventing a major power threat to our allies around the globe and protecting Americans against threats to their lives and well-being.
