Issue Position: A Fair Tax Code

Issue Position

For too long the special interests in Washington have used the tax code to give special favors to a select few while the rest of us pay the bill. I believe we should have a simpler and fairer tax code.

Eliminate the Tax Break for Shipping a Job Overseas

It's almost unbelievable. Over five years U.S. multinational companies added 784,000 jobs abroad but cut 2.1 million in America. Under current law these companies got to deduct the expenses associated with moving the jobs overseas. We are literally paying companies to send jobs overseas. We have to stop that.

I will eliminate this deduction and use the money we save to create a tax break for companies that bring jobs back to the United States.

Eliminate the Tax Havens that Avoid U.S. Taxes

Why is it okay for corporations to avoid U.S. taxes? If a regular person tried it they would go to jail, but if an executive does it they are rewarded with a bonus.

These companies setup a P.O. Box in a tax haven and then avoid paying the taxes they owe. One recent estimate showed this practice costs taxpayers $37 billion a year. We should end this loophole and use the savings to give tax breaks to small businesses and pay down our debt.
