Issue Position: Jobs/Economy

Issue Position

"We've taken the first steps toward economic recovery and job growth by changing the way Pennsylvania treats job creators, but there is more to be done. Making our state more competitive in the national jobs marketplace is the key to future growth, and that's exactly what I am working to do. "

-Warren Kampf
Making Jobs and Economic Growth a Top Priority

For far too long, state government has treated job creators, entrepreneurs and businesses as adversaries instead of as the core of our economic engine. The result was businesses and the jobs they create fleeing to other, more business-friendly states. As Representative, Warren has kept his promise to change how we treat job creators and help get our economy back on track.

* A More Business Friendly Environment
Warren supported important reforms to our state's tort system, unemployment compensation system and business tax structure that make it more fair and less expensive for businesses to locate or remain in Pennsylvania -- meaning more jobs for our families.

* Supporting Investment in Job Creators
Warren voted for important initiatives like the Angel Investor Tax Credit that will help spark private investment in hi-tech and other industries that will drive job growth in the future. This tax credit is particularly important in the 157th District and the surrounding communities who house numerous pharmaceutical and other hi-tech businesses, and currently awaits action in the state Senate.

* Looking Ahead
Warren knows that these are only first steps and our state needs to continue its efforts to become more competitive in attracting jobs. He will continue to work for tax structure changes that put our state in-line with others, regulatory reforms that protect our people while providing fair and uniform oversight, and more.
