Issue Position: Fighting Crime and Addressing its Causes

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

The 50th District has seen a dramatic rise in crime over the last ten years. In particular, there has been a rise in criminal activity related to hard drug use and manufacturing. Local police forces are overburdened and underfunded in many communities throughout the 50th District. As a local attorney, Michael has seen firsthand the impact of more and more criminal defendants entering the court system. Michael believes that there are three issues at play, namely having appropriate resources to fight the rise in crime, utilizing smart and effective means to rehabilitate non-violent offenders, and deterring future criminal behavior. As your next State Senator, Michael will advocate for:

Increase Funding for Local Police and Fire Departments To Protect You and Your Property
Your Right of Self-Defense and Protection of Your Property
Restoration of a Public Prison System That Avoids Treating Prisoners as Goods To Be Sold
Harsher Criminal Penalties for Drug Dealers and Manufacturers
Stronger Criminal Penalties Relating to Abuse of Prescription Painkillers
Rehabilitation Programs for Non-Violent, Non-Dealing Drug Offenders
Greater Funding for Drug Abuse Programs in K-12 Schools
