Issue Position: Women's Health

Issue Position

A woman's health is between her and her doctor. No politician, regardless of his own personal views, should dictate what a woman does with her own body. I do not support government engaging in any unwarranted interference into medical decision, especially for political gain. That is why I believe women should have open access to health care, including birth control and family planning.

This issue is more than just a social one; it has real economic impact as well. Most American families depend on income from both parents to get by, and restricting women's access to basic health services and family planning makes it difficult or impossible for these families to stay afloat.

Data from around the world shows the connection between economic success and family planning, proving that countries with greater access out perform those that do not. If we want America to remain a leader in the global economy, we cannot hold women back.

Republicans like Dave Reichert continue to force their moral beliefs on us by demanding that we submit to their values. Time and time again, he has tried to limit women's control over their bodies and their healthcare.

I believe in laws that protect our freedoms and our choices. I believe in open access to family planning, birth control and freedom of reproductive choice. If elected, I would work to ensure that the government stays out of the doctor's office and that women are free to make their own decisions about their health care.
