Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

The Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) is a clear and present threat to American civil liberties, and is a declaration of war on all private businesses. It is evident from the massive debt of the national flood insurance program, that the federal government is not prepared to handle an insurance program of this magnitude:

Under Obamacare, the average health insurance premium for citizens under the age of 30 has increased by over 100%, and the average premiums for citizens over the age of 65 has increased by nearly the same amount.

In an effort to insure 20% of the population, 10% of whom were willfully uninsured before Obamacare mandated that EVERYONE must purchase insurance, the act has actually driven up the cost of healthcare by essentially outlawing the more popular, high deductible/lower coverage plans that private insurers used to offer.

Increased minimum coverage amounts and higher premiums provide a disincentive to younger/healthier individuals who typically drive health insurance costs down. With these individuals opting out of health insurance completely, the program will not survive without taking much needed funds from Medicare and Medicaid--greatly reducing the quality of healthcare available for those who need it most, our senior citizens and the less fortunate.

Obamacare must be repealed. Plain and simple.
