Issue Position: Ending Gun Violence

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

"As a young teen, growing up on the eastside of Detroit, I experienced how gun violence can devastate families and foster fear and uncertainty in a neighborhood. We need to do everything we can to stop this horrific epidemic." -- Rudy Hobbs.

Rudy believes that kids can't learn, if schools aren't safe. In Congress, Rudy will fight for tougher laws on gun safety
 and crime prevention. He will take on the NRA by enacting 
background checks on all gun sales to prevent criminals,
domestic abusers and other dangerous people from purchasing guns.

As a State Legislator, Rudy has taken action on this issue. He authored a bill that will allow authorities to investigate and confiscate the guns of individuals who may be a danger to themselves or others, after a close friend or relative files a protective order with the court.

"With this kind of commonsense policy, countless tragedies might be avoided, such as the recent UCSB shooting in California. In that case, family and friends contacted the authorities to report that the shooter was unstable and had access to guns. The police had no authority to take action without a crime having been committed or the threat of imminent danger. By the time that happened, it was tragically too late."
