Issue Position: Jobs in Michigan

Issue Position

Our state finally shows some signs of recovery from the long period of unemployment. But the fact is we are still ranked 44th in the nation with an unemployment rate of 7.5%. This means that there are still 355,237 Michiganders without jobs. We must do better for our citizens and we can do better. Achieving sustained economic growth and creating jobs in Michigan will be my number one priority in Congress.

We know that the spend then tax spree followed by the Obama Administration has not worked. I will support efforts aimed at immediate and long term steps to be enacted that will help Michigan families find jobs.

Free markets, free enterprise, innovation and entrepreneurship are the foundation for economic growth and job creation in America and Michigan. For the past four years, Democrats in Washington have enacted policies that undermine these basic concepts that have historically placed America and Michigan at the forefront of the global marketplace. There is a plan that will get our economy moving again:

Repeal and replace the most egregious provisions in the health care bill so that small and large businesses alike aren't crushed by skyrocketing health care costs and taxes and penalties. Also, ensure employees will not lose the health care coverage they have or be taxed if they don't have the "right" kind of coverage.

Lower the tax burden on all American families and businesses. In this economic climate, it is absolutely wrong to raise taxes on families and employers. If we do anything on this front, we should make the tax code simpler and fairer, not larger and more painful.

Get energy prices under control -- that is everything from gas prices to electricity rates. Lower energy prices and a reliable energy supply are keys to economic success, especially in the manufacturing sector.

We must enforce our trade laws so other countries do not have an unfair advantage when competing with our workers. Trade yields many benefits for the Michigan economy, but we must hold our trading partners accountable.

Invest in our workers and invest in Research and Development. We need to have the best retraining programs and we must invest heavily in R&D.

The economic policies of the Obama Administration have failed to address the issues that are making it hard for families and employers in Michigan to get by. The President has abdicated his role on our nation's $17.5 trillion debt, has embraced an aloof attitude toward high gas and energy prices, and rejected any call for spending reduction. The President and his party remain out of touch with working families in Michigan. They continue to talk about raising taxes without any understanding of the impact it would have on struggling families everywhere.

We will get Washington and our economy back on track.
