Issue Position: Protecting Senior Citizens

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014
Issues: Senior Citizens

With three living grandparents in their late 80s, Mike Dovilla is aware of how vulnerable our senior citizens can be. That's why he has taken steps during his time in the legislature to address the unfortunate incidents of elder abuse, shining a spotlight on this matter so we can begin to address it. Dovilla authored House Bill 215, establishing Ohio Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a first step toward focusing increased attention on the important role senior citizens plan in our society and the efforts in which all of us must engage to protect and honor them. Dovilla is also working with the Ohio Attorney General to strengthen Adult Protective Services, introducing House Bill 572, the Ohio Elder Justice Act. Mike Dovilla believes an important part of his role in the legislature is to advocate for Ohio's seniors and other vulnerable citizens who need us to defend them -- among these the children, disabled, and impoverished of our society.
