Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Where are the jobs?

To the left is the latest statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

As you can see our region still has not recovered from the "great recession". I've been meeting with local stakeholders to help create a more business-friendly atmosphere.

Here is an excerpt from the December 27, 2012, article "Daily Times" article announcing that Delegate Conway had re-filed to keep his seat:

"I think we need to be tremendously aware of the states that surround us, and I think we hear a lot about Maryland not being a business-friendly state," he said. "The ones I think we are most out of step with are our taxes, our regulatory process. It's something we've really got to take a look at, and try to make some changes that are going to be more helpful than hurtful."


Interestingly, it has been Delegate Conway who has voted to increase or establish new taxes or fees. He voted to increase the sales tax by 20%! He voted for the rain tax! Being a Mayor of a Maryland/Delaware bordertown I've seen firsthand how citizens flock to Delmar, Delaware, to save money. Not only has Delegate Conway not helped curb the tax and spend culture, he's been in lockstep with Governor O'Malley in increasing the cost of living, owning a business and making it difficult to simply enjoy a summer rain in Maryland!

The following was Crisfield Mayor Percy Purnell in the January 29th, 2014, edition of the Daily Times:

"Even as a Democrat I'm very concerned about the amount of money it costs to run state government," Purnell said. "It appears Delaware and Virginia are becoming more and more business friendly."


Mayor Purnell is onto something, but it's not that Delaware and Virginia are becoming more business friendly, it's that Maryland is becoming more and more anti-business with the continuing barrages of higher taxes and fees, some of which Delegate Conway has voted for and he must take responsibility for their negative effect on the local economy and job creation.

As the Mayor of Delmar, Maryland, I am tremendously aware of our state borders and the savings realized by crossing the state line. Send me to Annapolis and let me work for you to bring our taxes and spending down so we can be a state businesses want to move to and a place where people want to live, raise their families and retire.
