Issue Position: National Defense, Homeland Security, and Immigration

Issue Position

Countless American men and women have put their lives on the line, with many making the ultimate sacrifice, so that we may enjoy the liberties and freedoms we hold dear; it's our responsibility to ensure we carry this torch, and hand our kids and grandkids a strong and secure nation with the same advantages we were given.

We must continue to provide leadership in an ever-volatile world by showing our allies and enemies alike that America stands by its values. This means ensuring our troops are equipped with the best technologies available while maintaining a mobile, reactive fighting force capable of responding to threats at a moment's notice. When the United States rejects its leadership position in the world, it opens the door for countries like China and Russia to fill the void, something I will continue to fight in Congress to prevent.

At home, we face security challenges as well. As a pilot in the Air National Guard, I have flown surveillance missions over the southwest border and worked firsthand with Customs and Border Patrol on the challenges they face. Our porous borders pose one of the largest security threats to our nation as they present those who would do us harm a way into our country. Thus, one of our top priorities must be to secure our borders. We can accomplish this task through a host of actions, including the use of unmanned aerial patrols, the construction of a physical and virtual fence, and an enhanced border patrol presence along the border.

While I believe we must make reforms to our broken immigration system, we must first ensure that our borders are secure or we risk returning to the status quo. It is vital we update our antiquated immigration system to better suit the needs of a 21st century economy, but we must not reward those who have come here illegally. I will continue to work with my colleagues in Congress to ensure we develop immigration policies that secure and strengthen America and provide fairness to those who attempt to enter our country legally.
