Issue Position: Marriage Equality

Issue Position

A Passionate Advocate for Marriage Equality

Brian has proven again and again that he is a believer in freedom and equality--including the freedom to marry the person one loves, regardless of gender.

In 2010, when a same-sex civil unions bill came before the Hawaii Legislature, Brian testified in support of the bill. He said, "This is [the Legislature's] opportunity to make history -- to choose the right side of an issue that transcends all of us -- that, in fifty years, will seem obvious to our children and grandchildren." As then State Democratic Party Chair, he led the fight to ensure equal rights for LGBT couples setting civil unions legislation among the Party's top priorities, proclaiming, "We support civil unions because we stand for equality and justice."

When the Hawaii Legislature finally passed a civil union bill, Brian stood beside Governor Abercrombie as he signed that bill into law. In an additional testimony, he said, "I support this legislation for the thousands of couples in Hawaii and their families who want the same protections that other citizens enjoy."

As a member of the United States Senate, Brian signed an amicus brief in the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) Supreme Court case. Shortly after signing on, he released a statement: "Denying committed couples the right to marry is unacceptable. It is my hope that the arguments heard in the Supreme Court will further prove what millions of Americans know is just--marriage equality must be a constitutional right for all Americans."

As the Supreme Court heard arguments in the DOMA and Proposition 8 Supreme Court cases, Brian often took to his social media pages to express his support for marriage equality, declaring that marriage equality must be a constitutional right for all Americans.

Brian firmly believes that marriage equality should be a universal right. He will support any legislation that allows couples to marry freely.
